- Lushun is billed as the throat of the Bohai Sea. 旅顺口是渤海的“咽喉地带”。
- Look out! The pan of milk is bubbling over! 小心!那锅牛奶溢出来了!
- She clashed the pan down on the stone floor. 她把炒锅当啷一声掉在石头地板上。
- The Huanghe River runs into the Bohai Sea. 黄河流入渤海。
- Take the pan away quickly; it's boiling over. 快把锅子端开,里面的东西都煮得溢出来了。
- She emptied the milk into the pan. 她把牛奶倒进锅里。
- The pan must be dried well before you put it away. 这个锅用後要彻底擦乾方可收起。
- Take away the pan quickly; the milk is boiling over. 赶快把锅端开,牛奶都煮得溢出来了。
- This is the Bohai Sea why so simple reason. 这就是渤海为什么这么浅的原因。
- The Yellow River flows in the Bohai Sea. 黄河流入渤海。
- The Yellow River flows into the Bohai Sea. 黄河流入渤海。
- My left leg on HuangHai sea,right leg on BoHai sea. 我左腿站在黄海上,右腿站在渤海上。
- The sausages were frizzling in the pan. 香肠在平底锅里吱吱发响。
- The Bohai Sea is our country the biggest thalassic. 渤海是我国最大的内海。
- The potatoes browned in the pan. 土豆在平底锅里嫩煎。
- Cube the meat before putting it in the pan. 肉放到平底锅前先把它切成小方块。
- The sausage began to spit in the pan. 锅里香肠开始滋滋作响。
- What is the specific heat of the metal in the pan? 这只锅的金属的比热容是多少?
- How much water does the pan hold? 那盘子能盛多少水?
- Around Bohai Sea Mechanism Conference is hold in Langfang City. 环渤海合作机制会议在廊坊召开。