- The first was the stage in which we took part in the Northern Expedition. 第一阶段,是参加北伐战争。
- Thanks to all this and to the assistance of the Soviet Union, the Northern Expedition was victorious. 由于这些,再由于苏联的援助,就取得了北伐的胜利。
- Thanks to all this and to the assistance of the Soviet Union,the Northern Expedition was victorious. 由于这些,再由于苏联的援助,就取得了北伐的胜利。
- In the Northern Expedition of 1926-27,too,the victories were achieved through democratic centralism. 中国一九二六年到一九二七年的北伐战争,也是依靠民主集中制取得了胜利。
- The same is true of the revolution known as the Northern Expedition;it scored successes,but it too failed. 北伐战争的革命也是一样,它胜利了,但又失败了。
- Comrade Yeh Ting commanded an independent regiment during the Northern Expedition in 1926. 一九二六年北伐时,叶挺领导的部队为一个独立团。
- These forces later grew into an army corps and still more troops came under its influence; only then did the Northern Expedition take place. 往后扩大成为一个军,影响了更多的军队,于是才有北伐之役。
- After the northern expedition beginning, the Strength of Canton government increased rapidly. 北伐开始后,广州政府实力迅速增强,对英国的态度转向强硬。
- We should take from the Northern Expedition only what still applies today,and work out something of our own in the light of present conditions. 我们只应该采用北伐战争中那些在现时情况下还能适用的东西,我们应该按照现时情况规定我们自己的东西。
- If Yue Fei resist gold national hero, then army when the Northern Expedition staunch to resist Song Jin Jun it leads to be a national hero? 如果岳飞抗金是民族英雄,那么宋军北伐时顽强抵抗的金军将领是不是民族英雄?
- The Northern Expedition Zhuge Liang launched in order to "restore the Han Royal Family" was doomed to fail, due to changes in the situation and his too-weak strength. 摘要诸葛亮为“兴复汉室”而进行的北伐,因形势的变化和实力的悬殊,注定不能成功。
- We should take from the Northern Expedition only what still applies today, and work out something of our own in the light of present conditions. 我们只应该采用北伐战争中那些在现时情况下还能适用的东西,我们应该按照现时情况规定我们自己的东西。
- According to historical records, the Northern Expedition Caocao channels are 18 sheep Sakamoto section, are the ancient Jin Yu a business thoroughfare. 据史料记载,十八盘是曹操北伐途径羊肠坂的一段,是古代晋豫经商的一条要道。
- However, the Northern Expedition of Chinese medicine in Guangzhou, Xu Liang, Ramirez and injured Wang's poem did not come to the team Changchun. 不过,广州医药此次北伐,徐亮、拉米雷斯和有伤在身的王小诗并没有随队来到长春。
- Shanghai workers launched aimed insurrection for the coordination of the Northern Expedition in octo, 1926, but they failed. 摘要1926年10月,上海工人为配合北伐战争发动武装起义。起义没有成功。
- During the wars in Kwangtung and during the Northern Expedition,they reformed China's armed forces by the inculcation of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal ideas. 在广东战争和北伐战争中,曾经在中国军队中灌输了反帝反封建的思想,改造了中国的军队。
- Through helping the Kuomintang in the wars in Kwangtung Province and participating in the Northern Expedition,the Party gained leadership over some armed forces. 经过援助国民党的广东战争和北伐战争,党已掌握了一部分军队。
- Moss affects the northern slopes. 朝北的山坡易生苔。
- Our Party did not grasp this point fully during the first five or six years after it was founded,that is,from 1921 to its participation in the Northern Expedition in 1926. 在这一点上,我们党从一九二一年成立直至一九二六年参加北伐战争的五六年内,是认识不足的。
- He values the army as his very life and has had the experience of three wars,namely,the Northern Expedition,the Civil War and the War of Resistance Against Japan. 他看军队如生命,经历了北伐、内战和抗日三个时期。