- the North Korea nuclear issue 朝核问题
- Japan- North Korea Relationship and North Korea Nuclear Issue 日朝关系与朝核问题
- Japan-North Korea Relationship and North Korea Nuclear Issue 日朝关系与朝核问题
- North Korea nuclear issue 朝核问题
- He says threatening the expansion of the Kaesong zone sends a strong message to North Korea that the South Korean government wants the nuclear issue resolved quickly. 金永云说,韩国提出开城工业园区的扩展有可能受到威胁,这向北韩发出了一个强有力的信号,那就是:韩国政府希望核武器问题迅速得到解决。
- The new administration must also grapple with the nuclear issue in North Korea, after an agreement aimed at stopping Pyongyang's nuclear programme badly unravelled in the final months of 2008. 在2008年最后几个月,美朝之间一项旨在终止平壤核计划的协议受到了严重破坏,新一届美国政府还必须努力解决朝核问题。
- the North Korea nuclear problem 朝鲜核问题
- North Korea nuclear weapons program: North Korea says that it plans to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and refuses to allow inspectors access to nuclear sites. 1993年的今天,北朝鲜声称它计划从“防止核扩散条约”中退出,并且拒绝任何检查员进入核站点。
- A nuclear test by North Korea could nudge South Korea back under America's wing;public opinion, previously sympathetic to the North, is shifting. 朝鲜核试验将把韩国再次推到美国的保护伞下,曾对朝方充满同情的舆论正在转向。
- standoff over North Korea rs nuclear issue 朝鲜核问题上的僵局
- Russian nuclear envoy who visited North Korea said Saturday he pressed the North to return to six-nation nuclear disarmament talks. 访问了北朝鲜的一位俄罗斯核事务外交官周六说,他催促北朝鲜重返解除核武装的六方会谈。
- Instead, he met with North Korea's First Vice Foreign Minister Kang Sok Ju, the man regarded as the mastermind of the North's nuclear diplomacy. 但他会见了北韩第一副外相姜锡柱。姜锡柱被视为是北韩核外交的主要人物。博斯沃思还同北韩首席核谈判人员金桂冠举行会谈。
- The influence of conservatives on American foreign policy has been exemplified in the following areas: antiterrorism, Iraq issue, North Korea and Iran nuclear issues, and Sino-U.S. trade. 在反恐问题、伊拉克问题、北朝鲜核问题、伊朗核问题和中美贸易等一系列美国外交所面临的现实问题上,保守主义的影响都已得到相当的体现。
- He also cautioned North Korea not to attempt to exclude South Korea from any deal aimed at ending the North's nuclear weapons programs. 他也提醒北韩别妄图把韩国排除在任何旨在结束北韩核武器项目的协议之外。
- President Bush says he intends to raise the North Korean nuclear issue during the regular APEC meetings as well, saying the discussions should not be limited to trade. 布什说,他打算在亚太经合组织正常会议期间也提出朝鲜核问题。布什表示,会议讨论不应该仅仅局限于贸易。
- Having long insisted that the North Korean nuclear issue was better handled outside the UN, China is livid that Mr Kim brushed aside repeated warnings not to test. 长期坚持朝核问题最好在联合国之外进行解决,所以中国对北朝鲜金正日漠视中国一再不要试验的警告表示愤怒。
- DPRK-US relations and the Korea nuclear issue 朝美关系与朝核问题
- South Korea's new president, Roh Moo-hyun, has called the North Korean nuclear crisis a threat to world peace. He has urged North Korea to choose negotiations over conflict. 韩国新总统卢武铉称北朝鲜的核危机是对世界和平的一个威胁,并催促平壤选择协商对话解决冲突。更多消息,请下载收听。
- Ban said in Seoul Wednesday that any nuclear test by the North would "shake the foundation of international nonproliferation efforts" and further isolate North Korea. 潘基文星期三在首尔说,北韩进行的任何核试验将“动摇国际社会核不扩散努力的基础”,并将使北韩更加孤立。
- He flew to Europe via the North Pole. 他经由北极飞到欧洲。