- The Niagara River drains into Lake Ontario. 尼加拉河注入安大略湖。
- The Niagara Falls are the falls on the Niagara River. 尼亚加拉瀑布位于尼亚加拉河上。
- Niagara Falls is a huge waterfall that lies on the Niagara River. 尼亚加拉大瀑布是尼亚加拉河上的一条大瀑布。
- They made the arduous trek over Indian trails, crossing the Niagara River to settle in what we now call Ontario. 他们经过艰难跋涉,沿着印第安人的足迹,渡过尼亚加拉河,在今天我们称之为安大略的地方定居下来。
- The Niagara River drains into Lake Ontario. When flooded, the swamp drains northward. 尼加拉河流入安大略湖。发洪水时,沼泽向北泄水
- The Niagara River drains into Lake Ontario. When flooded,the swamp drains northward. 尼加拉河流入安大略湖。发洪水时,沼泽向北泄水。
- The Niagara River drains into Lake Ontario.When flooded,the swamp drains northward. 尼加拉河流入安大略湖。发洪水时,沼泽向北泄水
- Niagara Falls Canada and the United States at the junction of the Niagara River. 尼亚加拉瀑布位于加拿大和美国交界的尼亚加拉河上。
- The falls are on the Niagara River, which flows between the United States and Canada from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. 瀑布与尼亚加拉河交接,此河流发源于伊利湖,沿途流过两国之间,将美国与加拿大分开,最后注入安大略湖。
- On the nearly frozen waters of the Niagara River, 42-year-old John Fulton is raising money for charity. 在尼亚加拉几乎结冰的河面上,现年42岁的约翰富尔顿在为慈善事业募集资金。
- Located on the Niagara River on the border between New York and Ontario, Canada, this famed cataract comprises three separate falls: Horseshoe, American, and Bridal Veil. 位于尼亚加拉河作为尼亚纽约州和加拿大安大略湖之间的边界,这著名的大瀑布包含三个分开的瀑布:马蹄瀑布,美境瀑布,和新娘面纱瀑布。
- Just before flowing over the ledge, the American stream is only about one meter deep, while the Canadian stream is about six meters deep and carries some95 percent of the Niagara River's water. 在流经断崖之前的水域,美国一侧的河水只有一米深,而加拿大一侧的河水有6米之深,所以说尼亚加拉河95%25水量由此通过。
- The principal feature of the 1.85 acre site fronting the Niagara River just upstream from the Horseshoe Falls is the long unobstructed river views across the full 164 ft width of the property. 该住宅面向尼加拉河流域上游,最大的特征是能够看到从马蹄瀑布下来的宽164英尺的河流全景。
- The wonderful sights of the Niagara Falls. 叙述尼亚加拉瀑布的壮观景象。
- a city in western New York State at the falls of the Niagara river; tourist attraction and honeymoon resort. 纽约州西部的一城市,位于尼亚加拉河的瀑布附近;游览胜地和度蜜月的胜地。
- I visited the Niagara Falls last year. 我去年游览了尼亚加拉大瀑布。
- You've never been to the Niagara Falls? 曾到过尼加拉瓜瀑布吗?
- a falls in the Niagara River 尼亚加拉河上的一幕瀑布
- The scenery of the Niagara Falls is beautiful beyond description. 尼亚加拉瀑布的风景美得难以形容。
- The Niagara Falls is one of the natural wonders of the world. 尼亚加拉瀑布是世界天然奇景之一。