- In 2004, the Ministry of Communications of the P.R. 交通部2004年已将长江江苏段的“南通港、苏州港、镇江港、南京港”列为沿海主要港口。
- He works in the service of the Ministry of Communications. 他在交通部工作。
- The plan was approved by the Ministry of Communication. 这个计划得到了信息部的批准。
- She's on attachment to the Ministry of Defense. 她现在隶属于国防部。
- The Ministry of Communications of the PRC is the institution in charge of the nation-wide highway undertaking. 第三条中华人民共和国交通部主管全国公路事业。
- Rules of the Ministry of Communications of the PRC for the Control of Superintending Disassembling Vessels. 中华人民共和国交通部拆解船舶监督管理规则。
- Statistical Measure of Water Transport Accidents(5th Order in 2002 Issued by the Ministry of Communications of P.R.C. 水上交通事故统计办法(中华人民共和国交通部2002年第5号令发布)
- The research result was approved by the Ministry of Communications on Aug. 15th, 1999. 该成果于1999年8月15日通过交通部科技成果鉴定。
- The Ministry of Communications sent 300 more traffic police to direct the traffic. 交通部增派300名交警疏导交通。
- The ministry of books is manifold. 书的用处很多。
- The Ministry of Communications shall complete the filing procedures timely after the acceptance of the filing documents. 交通部收到报备材料后应当及时办理有关变更登记手续。
- She's on attachment to (ie temporarily working in) the Ministry of Defence. 她暂时隶属於国防部。
- The Ministry of Communications shall, within 3 working days after acceptance of the filing documents, issue the document certifying the filing. 交通部收到备案材料后,应当在3个工作日内出具备案证明文件。
- The quaestor served in the ministry of finance. 财务官从事财政部门的服务。
- Rules imposing tolls shall be worked out by the Ministry of Communications with the agreement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Commodity Prices. 通行费和征收办法由交通部会同财政部门和国家物价局制定。
- You must write to the Ministry of Health . 你必须给卫生部写信。
- Note:the total datas in tis table includes the maritime freight Volume of contains under the Ministry of Communications and local water transportation departments. 注:表中总计包括交通部直属海洋集装箱运量和地方水运部门全部水运集装箱运量。
- He works in the Ministry of National Defense. 他在国防部工作。
- Article 40 The Ministry of Communications is responsible for the interpretation of these rules and will formulate detailed regulations to implement them. 第四十条本条例由交通部负责解释,交通部可以根据本条例制定实施细则。
- The army, navy and airforce are all controlled by the Ministry of Defense. 陆海空军皆由国防部控制。