- In order to marry the crown prince, she has had to give up her Australian and British citizenship and convert to the Lutheran Church. 为了和王储成婚, 她不得不放弃了澳大利亚和英国国籍,并改信路德教。
- CUS) is an organization of ten colleges and universities throughout the United States operated by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). 每所协和的院校完全独立运作,有自己的校长、师资及校董会。
- He lasted there less than a year because of an ongoing debate in the Lutheran church about the role of music in worship. 巴哈因为路德教会对于音乐在礼拜仪式中的角色争议不断,所以在那里只待了不到一年的时间。
- The Concordia University System (CUS) is an organization of ten colleges and universities throughout the United States operated by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). 每所协和的院校完全独立运作,有自己的校长、师资及校董会。
- Holy Trinity Lutheran Church - Member congregation of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. Includes schedule, sermon archive, devotional material and location. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- I belong to the individual-based intermediary services, mainly in good faith, the Lutheran Church to promote his hometown specialty, to his hometown and bring wealth. 本人属于个体中介服务型,主要是以真诚,信义推广家乡特产,给自己和家乡人带来财富。
- Two-thirds of delegates of the Lutheran Church's national assembly in Minneapolis voted to allow people in life-long monogamous gay relationships to become ministers. 位于明尼亚波利的路德全国性大会组织的三分之二的代表投票,并通过了允许遵循一夫一妻制的长期同性恋称为教会人员的建议。
- Pfarrer Frohlich said that the Lutheran church's congregation had moved away as thousands of steelworkers lost their jobs,the community, though not poor, had sunk into a kind of numbness. 弗罗里希神父说,数千钢铁工人失去工作,路德教会的教团也迁走了,社区并不贫穷,却陷入了一种麻木。
- Pfarrer Frohlich said that the Lutheran church's congregation had moved away as thousands of steelworkers lost their jobs, and the community, though not poor, had sunk into a kind of numbness. 弗罗里希神父说,数千钢铁工人失去工作,路德教会的教团也迁走了,社区并不贫穷,却陷入了一种麻木状态。
- I'm now the vice president of my Lutheran church. 我现在是我所在的路德教堂的副会长。
- "An official of the Lutheran property disclosed. 信义不动产一位负责人透露。
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - Wikipedia, the free ... 当然可以,信义会是美国主流福音派基督教会。
- Saint Andrew Lutheran Church (elca) Bloomfield Hills, Mi. 修改了概要和营业时间。
- In order to marry the crown prince, she has had to give up her Australian and British citizenship and convert to the Lutheran Church 为了和王储成婚,她不得不放弃了澳大利亚和英国国籍,并改信路德教。
- Council for the Lutheran Churches in Central America and Panama 中美洲和巴拿马路德教会理事会
- Council for the Lutheran Churches in Central America and Panama; 中美洲和巴拿马路德教会理事会;
- the Lutheran Church 路德教(信义会、路德会等的总称)
- The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的鸣钟报时。
- The Lutheran minister, Pastor Wundt, called to offer the consolation of the Church. 路德派的教士翁德牧师也用教堂的名义来给她安慰。
- I would like to invite you to sign your child up for Our Saviour Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School. 路德会救主堂诚挚地邀请您的孩子来参加我们为期一周的暑期圣经学校。