- the Literary Creation Society 创造社
- This article attempts to probe into the literary styles and generating elements of Sima Xiangru's literary creation. 本文旨在对司马相如文学创作的这两重风格及其生成要素给予细致的探讨。
- The folkways influence the literary creation from the content to form,and represent the varied artistic values of itself. 民俗从内容描写上的渗入与补充、形式构成上的影响与借鉴两个方面对文艺创作产生影响,体现出自身的多重艺术价值。
- Among those, Bian Zhilin's translational literature had the greatest impact on the literary creation of Wang Zengqi's novel. 其中,对汪曾祺的创作影响最大的是卞之琳的译介文学。
- Nathalie Sarraute has fundamently given up the traditional writing style, and exploited a new psychological field that Joyce and Proust did not exploit in the literary creation. 娜塔丽·萨洛特 (NathalieSarraute)彻底地摒弃了传统的写作风格 ,在文学创作上开辟了乔伊斯和普鲁斯特未曾开辟过的崭新的心理领域。
- Hence, to approve the successful literary works of literati with no conduct not only respects the literary creation rules, but also upholds human's aspiration for the good. 因此,肯定“无行”文人情辞俱佳的成功之作,既是对文学创作规律的尊重,也是对人类向善之心的褒扬。
- Literary creation is the formalization of the existence experience and life impression, and the process of tasting some value(s) on the part of the literary creative subject. 摘要文学创作活动是文学创作主体将自己的存在经验与生活感受形式化,并因此而体味某种或某些价值的过程。
- The literary creation contemporary famous novelist Shi Shuqing often shows as a writer 's consciousness of the social responsibility his unique humanity attention to the national spirit. 当代著名回族小说家石舒清的创作总是以一个作家的自觉的社会责任感去表现他对民族精神的独特的人文关怀。
- His conversation reeks of the literary world. 他的言谈中提及文学世界。
- A major new talent has burst on the literary scene. 有个惹人瞩目的新秀突然出现於文坛。
- He set out to conquer the literary world of london. 他决心赢得伦敦文学界的赞誉。
- In the literary creations of the schools of realism, romanticism and modernism, sentimentalism showed different stylistic and aesthetic characteristics. 在写实派、浪漫派和现代派的创作中,感伤有着各不相同的风格表征和审美特质。
- The excisions have destroyed the literary value of the text. 删除了这些就损害了原文的文学价值。
- On the Beauty of Unintelligibility in the Literary Creation 论文学创作中的模糊美
- The Literary Creation and Thoughts in Sun Li's Later years 孙犁晚年的文学创作和思想
- The literary genre represented by novels. 以小说表出现的文学类型
- Latin was the literary language of Italy. 拉丁语是意大利的文学语言。
- James Joyce's `Ulysses' challenged the literary traditions of his day. 詹姆斯·乔伊斯写的《尤利西斯》打破了他那一时代的文学传统。
- Life is the source of literary creation. 生活是文学创作的源泉。
- He affiliated himself with the literary circles. 他喜欢和文艺圈的人交往。