- The character of the Lisu bamboo writing is one of minority ethnic characters, which was created by an individual in the 1920s. 摘要傈僳族竹书文字是20世纪20年代个人创制的一种少数民族文字。
- the Lisu bamboo writing 傈僳族竹书
- A Study on Complexity of Character -formation from the Lisu Ethnic Bamboo Writing 从傈僳族竹书之发生看文字发生的复杂性
- In the exploration of the tomb, archaeologists found some bamboo writing slips. 在墓室中考古学家发现了一些用于书写的简牍。
- After a rest at the Lisu village, drive back to Chiang Mai (approx. 2 hrs.). 在俚苏村休息后就驱车返回清迈,大约 2 小时。
- Examples are the Muguaji and Baishi of the Lisu and the Harvest Festival Ritual Song of the gaoshan. 如傈僳族的"木刮基"、"摆时",高山族的"丰收祭祀歌"等。
- Can I accept extreme poverty in return for preserving the natural ecology of people like the Lisu ethnicity? 自己是否能够接收像傈僳族那样穷困但原生态的生活。
- The Stone Moon, a 32.7 by 60 meter hole, is the mythological origin of the Lisu Ethnic and a geographic wonder created the India-Eurasia collision. 这个大理石溶岩形成的宽32.;7米高60米的孔洞,是传说中傈僳族起源的地方。石月亮所在的月亮山是印度版块撞向欧亚版块形成的地质奇观。
- The chorus without the accompaniment of musical instrument by the Lisu Ethnic Group is acclaimed as the “natural voice of the mountain wilds”. 傈僳族无伴奏四声部合唱被誉为“来自山野的天籁之音”。
- Objective: To find out the current nutrition status of the Lisu pupils in order to adopt further measures for the nutritional amelioration. 目的:了解云南山区傈僳族学龄儿童营养现况,以便采取进一步的营养改善措施。
- The same principle may make for smoother writing. 这同一原则也可使文章写得更通顺。
- The lodge, which offers elephant rides and mountain trekking, has also become an important part of preserving the cultural heritage of the Lisu people. 这个旅店不仅提供骑乘大象和登山健行的活动,也成为保存俚苏族文化遗产的重要一环。
- I'm writing up the film for the local paper. 我现在为本地报纸写影评。
- Diqiang for the Lisu ethnic descent, that is, possession of an ethnic Burmese, Lisu have their own language, a Sino-Tibetan language family Tibeto-Burman ethnic Yi branch. 傈僳族为氐羌族后裔,即藏缅语族的一支,傈僳族有自己的语言,语言属汉藏语系藏缅语族彝语支。
- The expert is writing a theatrical review. 专家正在写戏剧评论。
- The Jinshajiang River Valley is a community for the ethnic peoples of the Yi, the Han, the Dai, the Bai, the Lisu, and the Miao, with strong cultural and ecological diversities. 摘要金沙江河谷是彝、汉、傣、白、傈僳、苗等民族共存共生之地,民族文化多样性与生态的多样性互相联系。
- The play was nothing (much) to write home about. 这出戏很一般。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。