- the Jin Dynasty culture 金源文化
- TAO Yuan-ming is a great poet of the Jin Dynasty. 摘要陶渊明是魏晋南北朝时期卓冠一代的大诗人。
- What was the name of Beijing in the Jin Dynasty? 北京在金朝时的名字是什么?
- In the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), the Golden Hill Hall was built here. 在金朝,金山殿就建在这里。
- The first part At the Jin Dynasty JinHou bronze of graveyard the summaries of inscription. 第一部分是對晋侯墓地銅器銘文的概述。
- In the Jin Dynasty(265-420), there was a man called Zu Ti. He was a farsighted man with great ambitions. 晋代有一个人叫祖逖,他是个有远大抱负的人。
- By the Jin Dynasty, all five Chinese calligraphy types had taken on their distinctive initial shapes. 可以说,到了晋代五种书法形式已经齐备。
- In the Jin Dynasty (265-420) , there was a man called Zu Ti. He was a farsighted man with great ambitions. 晋代有一个人叫祖逖,他是个有远大抱负的人。
- The unit system originated from the Daruqachi in Yeke Mongol Ulus and the administrative system in the Jin Dynasty. 本文认为,“画境”十道是窝阔台时期的中原政区划分,其木身即为蒙古达鲁花赤制度与中原分路之制相结合的产物。
- Though kai calligraphy developed to a certain level in the Jin Dynasty, the kai works of that period still bore traces of li calligraphy. 魏晋时期的楷书虽然已经达到了一定的水平,但其中仍没有完全脱尽"隶"意。
- While I cannot cite references to the relationship with the Jin Dynasty, most likely their relationship with the previous dyanasty carried over. 虽然我不能举出述与晋朝最可能的关系与前诸子结转。
- Following the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, Chinese calligraphy reached another peak in the jin Dynasty (265-420). 汉代以后,经过六十余年的三国鼎立,进入晋代。书法又出现了一高峰。
- The first three were exclusively used in the Qingshang music of the Jin Dynasty (265-420), being known as the "Three Qingshang Tones". 其中前面3调在晋以后为清商乐专用,又称"清商三调"。
- In the Dongshan temple position day Changyeh east end 30 Yuhua's Heli, is the Jin Dynasty famous scholar Guo He obscure retreat. 东山寺位天张掖城东三十余华里的合黎山中,是晋代著名学者郭荷的隐居处。
- As for why the biographical history book History of the Jin Dynasty was mistaken for a chronicle, there was certain traceable cause. 这部纪传体的晋史之所以误作编年体的史书,也是有因可寻的。
- The watchtower became popular in the Wei and the Jin Dynasty, much earlier than the drum-tower appearing in the North-south Dynasty. 谯楼之称,始见于秦汉史籍,魏晋已普设,甚早于始于南北朝之鼓楼。
- Until the end of the Jin Dynasty,this Confucian ceremonial music and Chinese popular music,of which the Qing Shangyue was the most important,were predominant. 到晋朝灭亡之前,这种雅乐和俗乐(以"清商乐"最为重要)一直占主导地位。
- In the Jin Dynasty mathematicians used both text and image to explicate mathematical knowledge, and cartographers synthesised the principles of painting and drawing. 晋代,数学家已经运用文字和图来阐释数学知识,地图专家总结了绘图的法则。
- Unity was restored briefly in the early years of the Jin dynasty (a.D. 265-420), but the Jin could not long contain the invasions of the nomadic peoples. 晋朝(公元265-420)在早期暂时恢复了统一。但是,晋朝并不能长期抵制游牧民族的入侵。
- Although in appearance the Jin Dynasty had jurisdiction of the Central Plains comprising the middle and lower reaches of the Haunch and threatened by foreign invasion. 谋士苏代听了这些话,很不以为然,忙上前对魏王说:“大王,他们是因为自己胆小怕死,才让您去卖国求和,根本不为国家着想。