- The Jesuits sought to prevent reconstruction. 这个伪善的家伙图谋制止重建。
- "The Jesuits cater for the upper classes," said Mr. M'coy. “耶苏会迎合上流社会嘛”,麦科伊先生说。
- In 1922, the Jesuits founded the Industrial and Commercial School. 耶稣会会士也于1922年创办了工商学校。
- Spanish Jesuit missionary. A cofounder of the Jesuit order(1534) with Ignatius of Loyola, he established missionaries in Japan, Ceylon, and the East Indies. 沙勿略,弗朗西斯1506-1552西班牙传教士,他和罗耀拉一起创建了天主教耶稣会,后在日本、锡兰和东印度建立传教区
- The transept of the Jesuit Church in Gardiner Street was almost full. 加德纳街上,十字形耶稣会教堂的侧廊几乎水泄不通。
- After the Jesuit Mission is dismissed in 1785, Lazarist Mission takes it place. 乾隆年间耶稣会士解散,退出中国以后,江西由遣使会接管。
- The Jesuit interlude in China: role of Jesuits in science, military technology, and philosophy East and West. 天主教耶稣会在中国:耶稣会在东西方科学、军事科技及哲学所扮演穿针引线的角色。
- The Jesuits in a phase of ascendancy, persecuted and insulted the Buddhists with great acrimony. 处于地位上升阶段的耶稣会修士迫害佛教徒,用尖刻的语言辱骂他们。
- The Professor revealed to Jien Fa the secret knowledge Teilhard de Chardin and the Jesuits. 教授向荣华透露了忒拉德德查丁和耶稣会的秘密。
- During the seventeenth century, the Jesuits came to China and brought the west physiological knowledge to Chinese. 摘要明末清初,随着天主教耶稣会士的来华传教,西方的解剖生理学开始传入中国。
- By 1623 the German Rosicrucian movement was crushed under the weight of the Counter-Reformation led by the Jesuits. 在1623年,德国蔷薇十字会运动被由耶稣会士领导的反对改革的势力所镇压。
- In order to blend into the Chinese society, the Jesuits employed the benefits of non-verbal communication. 明清间来华的耶稣会士首先从外表做起,利用非语言传播的种种优势,以适应、认同中国文化与习俗;
- Not only were they conscious of the garments they wore, the Jesuits were also sensitive to their appearance in general. 同时,他们对士大夫们的生存方式也颇为接受,他们像士大夫们那样,著书立说,互赠诗文。
- James' entire education came at the hands of the Jesuits, who did a better job with him than they may have intended. 詹姆斯受教育的整个过程都是靠著耶稣会弟兄的帮忙,他们对他的栽培比自己想像中的还要好。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The village was something of a Catholic enclave and the Jesuits were closely connected. 这里的天主教教徒和耶稣会士关系紧密。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。