- A waiter of the Japanese restaurant bowed him in. 那家日本餐馆的侍者鞠着躬将他迎了进去。
- They are looking around the Japanese pavilion. 他们正在参观日本展示馆。
- He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language. 他稍微会一点儿日语。
- The Japanese have taken over many European ways of life. 日本人已袭用了不少欧洲人的生活方式。
- The Japanese yen hit an all-time high last week on the money market. 日元上周在货币市场上达到历史最高点。
- Our packing will be on a par with that of the Japanese. 我们的包装可以与日本同行相比美。
- The Japanese can outsell any competitor in the market. 日本人比谁都会搞市场推销。
- This is a steamer on the Japanese line. 这艘轮船走的是日本航线。
- The Japanese yen rebounded against the dollar. 日元与美元的比价回升了。
- They had a picture taken with the Japanese friends. 他们和日本朋友在一起照了相。
- The Japanese war lords had looked for a certainty. 日本军阀要想寻求万全之策。
- We can't ape the Japanese system. 我们不能完全仿效日本的体系。
- The Japanese love convenience stores. 日本人偏爱便利店。
- We should never forget the outrage committed by the Japanese invaders. 我们永远都不应该忘记日本侵略者犯下的暴行。
- the Japanese edition 日文版
- The Japanese sank American ships in Pearl Harbour. 在珍珠港日本人撞沉了美国的船。
- Have the Japanese exchange students arrived? 那几个日本交换生到了吗?
- Here's where the Japanese beat the Russians in1905. 这就是日本人1905年击败俄国人的地方。
- Even the Japanese dissent indiscreet ways. 即使日本人,也是以谨慎的方式表示不同意。
- I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday December7,1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire. 我要求国会宣布:由于日本在1941年12月7日星期日对我国无故进行卑鄙的袭击,美国同日本已经处于战争状态。