- He is a member of the Ivy League. 他是长春藤联合会的一员。
- Pretty good. Can anyone name all the Ivy League schools? 很不错,有谁能说出所有常春藤盟校的名字呢?
- I think University of Pennsylvania is one of the Ivy League schools. 我想宾夕法尼亚大学是常春藤盟校之一。
- Liquidity turned out to be the Achilles' heel of the Ivy League model. 流动性已成为了常春藤联盟模式的致命弱点。
- These eight private universities are collectively referred to as the Ivy League schools. 这八所大学被总称为常春藤联盟学 校。
- Grade inflation is in full gallop at every level, from struggling community institutions to the elites of the Ivy League. 从艰难挣扎的社区学院到常春藤名牌大学,各种层次的大学都在飞速提高分数。
- He sounded like a coxswain counting cadence for one of the Ivy League rowing teams. 他喊号子感觉仿佛常春藤*赛艇舵手。
- Grade inflation is in full gallop at every level,from struggling community institutions to the elites of the Ivy League. 从艰难挣扎的社区学院到常春藤名牌大学,各种层次的大学都在飞速提高分数。
- US News &World Report ranked Penn 6th for undergraduate education in 2008 rankings, fourth in the Ivy League behind Havard , Princetonand Yale . 在2008年美国新闻与世界报道评选的本科教育排名中,宾夕法尼亚排名第六,在常青藤中排名第四,仅次于哈佛、普林斯顿、耶鲁。
- The movement of slang words is mostly eastwards, though a few words from the UK have been adopted by the Ivy league fraternities. 俚语词汇的流向主要是向东的,尽管少数源自英国的词汇已被常青藤院校所接受。
- Thanks to my mom's sacrifices and big dreams, I'd made it to the Ivy League: Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. 全是由于妈妈的牺牲和伟大的梦想,我进入了常春藤联盟的罗得岛州普罗维登斯市的布朗大学。
- With professor Faust women now head four of the eight highly competitive private universities in the north east known as the Ivy League. 包括浮士德教授在内,八个富有竞争力的四个私营院校是女性校长,被誉为东北长青藤联盟。
- The Ivy League school will invite visiting scholars to teach on sexuality and issues related to sexual minorities for one semester each. 他们将邀请访问学者讲授性课题,以及与少数“性”群体相关的课题,每人授课一个学期。
- At Penn, Schmidt noted the Ivy League school played a key role in the technological industry by creating ENIAC, one of the world's first electronic computers, in 1946. 施密特在宾大的演讲中指出,宾大这一常青藤名校在科技工业中曾扮演了至关重要的角色,世界上第一台电子计算机ENIAC(电子数字积分计算机)就是宾大学生在1946年发明的。
- I very such doubt that young man's being the genuine Ivy League article. 我很怀疑那个年轻人不是真正的常青藤大学的人。
- The ivy twined round the oak tree. 长春藤盘绕着橡树。
- Nor are they the Ivy League citadels of America's elite like Harvard or Princeton, or ancient halls of learning like Cambridge or Oxford in the United Kingdom. 它们不是哈佛或普林斯顿这样的美国常青藤大学,或英国剑桥或牛津这些古老的学府。
- The Ivy League school will invite visiting scholars to teach on sexuality and issues related to sexual minorities for one semester each, a Harvard official said on Wednesday. 常青藤盟校哈佛大学的一位官员于本周三称,他们将邀请访问学者讲授性课题,以及与少数“性”群体相关的课题,每人授课一个学期。
- The manager was young, Ivy League, and hoping for an early vice-presidency. 这位经理年轻,是名牌大学毕业,希望早日当上副行长。
- Look at any of the global rankings and not only do the Ivy League and Oxbridge monopolise the top of the tree, British and (especially) American colleges dominate most of the leading 100 places. 在全球学校排名榜上,除常青藤联盟,牛津剑桥大学垄断前三以外,英国和美国大学占据了大部分前一百位的大学,美国更为突出。