- In its current form, WIPO educational tools were greatly centered on informing how to implement and use the IP system. WIPO目前的教育手段,主要侧重提供如何执行和利用知识产权的信息。
- WIPO had critical work to do, including norm-setting and assisting countries to gain full advantage of the IP system. WIPO有重要的工作,包括制定规范和帮助各国全面利用知识产权体系。
- It was important to address that issue, for the sake of the credibility of the IP system. 为确保知识产权制度的可信度,处理好这一问题是非常重要的。
- In all such cases, your SME should consider how best to use the IP system to its own benefit. 在所有这类情况中,你的中小企业应当考虑为其自身的利益如何最佳使用知识产权制度。
- The Delegation said that development had always been among WIPO priorities and thus, integral part of the IP system as such. 代表团说,发展一直是WIPO的优先考虑,同样也是知识产权制度的组成部分。
- The Delegation stressed that it was willing to share its development experience related to the utilization of the IP system with other Member States. 该代表团强调它愿与其它成员国分享其有关利用IP制度的发展经验。
- For that reason, the continent should be encouraged to harness benefits that would accrue from the enormous potential of the IP system. 为此原因,应当鼓励该该大陆收获可以从IP制度巨大潜能获得的利益。
- The IP system was one of the important tools to promote development by encouraging and by protecting inventions and technological innovations. IP制度是通过鼓励和保护发明和技术创新来促进发展的重要工具之一。
- It believed that the IP system afforded states, at different levels of development, the necessary policy space to meet their developmental needs. 代表团相信知识产权制度为不同发展水平的所有国家提供了必要的政策空间以适应其发展需要。
- To some extent, the burdens associated with IP acquisition may be diminished if you have a greater understanding of how the IP system can be used effectively. 如果你很了解知识产权制度是如何有效运作的,一定程度上,你可以减少与知识产权获取有关的费用。
- The Representative pointed out that, however, the IP system also needed to undergo its natural evolution process, in respect of the needs of developed countries. 不过,代表指出,在发达国家的需要方面,知识产权制度也需经历其自然的演进过程。
- It declared that in its efforts to develop the IP system in the country, Indonesia had in the first place the cooperation of many countries and their relevant IP organizations. 它声明,由于努力开放国家的IP制度,印度尼西亚首先与许多国家及其相关的IP组织合作。
- There was a hope for designing systems and practices, which would have helped countries to derive advantages from the IP system. 当时有望建立能够帮助各国从知识产权制度中获益的体系和惯例。
- In today's increasingly knowledge and information-driven global marketplace, the IP system plays a pivotal role in the conversion of creativity, innovation, knowledge and information into tangible economic assets. 在当今日益为知识和信息所驱动的全球市场中,知识产权制度在促使创造、创新、知识和信息转化为有形经济资产方面,发挥着至为重要的作用。
- The Delegation acknowledged that Mozambique had benefited already from technical assistance provided by WIPO, since the establishment of the IP system in the country, some years ago. 该代表团承认,自莫桑比克几年前建立知识产权制度以来,该国已从WIPO提供的技术援助中获益。
- The Delegation made some observations on proposal 31, which requested WIPO to undertake studies to demonstrate the economic, social and cultural impact of the IP system in Member States. 该代表团就提案31发表了意见,其中要求WIPO开展研究,以便说明知识产权制度对于成员国的经济、社会和文化产生的影响。
- The Delegation suggested that the options could range from clarifying and strengthening existing flexibilities within the IP system, wherever necessary, for considering appropriate changes in existing norms. 该代表团认为,这些方法小至澄清和增强知识产权制度现有的灵活性,大至必要时考虑对现有规范进行适当调整。
- The Delegation, therefore, pointed out that the negative impact and imbalances in the IP system formed, and should have formed, a shared concern of developing and developed countries. 因此,该代表团指出,知识产权体系的负面影响和失衡已经引起并应当引起发展中国家和发达国家共同关注。
- The byte array value of the IP address. IP地址的字节数组值。
- Gets or sets the IP address of a multicast group. 获取或设置多路广播组的IP地址。