- Riddled with the corruption characteristic of the dynastic cycle, by A.D. 220 the Han empire collapsed. 此外针灸和造纸术可能是在西汉时期被发明的。
- The Han empire retained much of the Qin administrative structure but retreated a bit from centralized rule. Confucian ideals of government, were adopted as the creed of the Han empire. 汉朝延续了许多秦朝的管理体制,但削弱了中央集权。儒家的治国之道被汉朝作为治国安邦的信条。
- Paper was invented in the Han dynasty. 纸是在汉朝发明的。
- Most of them belong to the Han nationality. 他们大多数属于汉族。
- Oh, you're all of the Han ethnicity! 王渊源:你们都是汉族啊!
- The Han or the injured left knee. 韩鹏此次受伤的还是左膝。
- We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans. 我们可以比较汉朝和罗马。
- Zhao Cuo was from Rongzhou in the Han Dynasty. 但是晁错很骄傲,朝中的大臣对他很不服。
- After the Han Dynasty, Mohism fell into oblivion. 墨家在汉代以后湮没无闻。
- the Han Empire 大汉帝国
- Such difference has fully been reflected in the forming process of Qin and Han Empire and Roman Empire. 这一区别在秦汉与罗马帝国的形成过程中就有充分的反映。
- He asked him to go back to the Han Emperor help. 他要求汉宣帝帮助他回去。
- Aren't you of the Han nationality? 你不是汉族人吗?
- The Chinese nation includes more than50 national minorities besides the Hans. 中华民族除了汉族外,还包括50多个少数民族。
- We visited the Han Shan Temple last year. 去年我们去参观寒山寺。
- She speaks the Han language quite fluently. 她汉语说得很流利。
- The story portrays a part of Chinese famous history, The man who stand the top of Han empire comes from an innominate citizen.Liu Bang is our main character in this history or this game. 故事描写的是中国著名的历史,在这一历史或此游戏的主要特征。
- Triumph or defeat is in the hans of the Gods. 胜利或失败都由神来决定。
- Wuhan lies where the Yangtze and the Han River meet. 武汉位于长江和汉水汇合处。
- The same great pestilence at the end of the second century AD that had shattered the Roman Empire had overthrown the Han dynasty in China. 公元2世纪末动摇罗马帝国的那一次大瘟疫同样也推翻了中国的汉朝。