- the Five Emperors Period 五帝
- In the early period of Five Emperors period,Yan Emperor tribes in Banpo type and Chiyou tribes in Hougang type fought near Zhuolu and Chiyou tribes won victory. 五帝时代前期,仰韶文化半坡类型所代表的炎帝族系自西而东、后岗类型所代表的蚩尤族系自东而西分别扩张,终于在涿鹿附近相遇而发生激烈冲突,蚩尤族系暂时居于优势。
- From the perspective of ethnology and the historical background,the five emperors had no blood relationship but emerged from the development and division of the clans and tribes. 从民族学的角度及当时的历史背景分析,五帝之间并非直系血缘的父子、子孙关系,而是氏族、部落发展过程中的分裂与分化。
- Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York city. 布鲁克林区是纽约市的五个行政区之一。
- The five experiments gave quite disparate results. 这五次试验所获得的结果迥然不同。
- Here is your bill. We've added on the five per cent service charge. 这是你的帐单。我们已把百分之五的手续费加进去了。
- Is There No Gardens in the Yellow Emperor Period? 黄帝时代没有园圃吗?
- Of the five hundred householders surveyed, 40% had dishwashers. 在接受调查的五百家住户中,40%25 有洗碗机。
- Of the five starters in the race only three finished. 起跑时有五个,只有三个跑完全程。
- The five o'clock train is always packed with commuters. 五点钟那趟车总是挤满了通勤者。
- On the “Five Emperors’ Lineage” and the Thought of Hua-yi’s Sharing the Common Ancestor “五帝”世系与秦汉时期“华夷共祖”思想
- Cities in the Five Emperors Era and the Early Civilization in the Central Plains 五帝时代的城址与中原早期文明
- Diana won five championships in women's high jump successively in the five years. 戴安娜在五年内连续获得五次女子跳高冠军称号。
- That is a piece of cake. The five rings. 太容易了,五环呀。
- He gathered earlier writings to prepare what are called the Five Classics. 他搜集以前的作品,编成了所谓的五经。
- A Corinthian column is the most highly decorated of the five classical types. 科林斯圆柱是希腊建筑五种古典柱式中最华丽者。
- One of the five rivers of Hades. 科塞塔斯河冥府的五条河流之一
- Each of the five people had one fifth of the cake. 五个人分那块糕,每人分得五分之一。
- I caught the five something train. 我赶上五点多钟的火车。
- The author reviews the concrete contents of thoughts of “Five Emperors' Lineage” and “Hua-yi’s Sharing the Common Ancestor”. 文章考察了“五帝”世系和“华夷共祖”思想的具体内容,产生的历史、文化背景及其影响、意义。