- Your friend John,as he is known among the English people on board,has a good baritone voice. 您的朋友约翰,是船上英国人中的佼佼者,有男中音的歌喉。
- The English people will put on(the hand of) their clocks one hour for summer time the day after tomorrow. 英国人将在后天实行夏令时间,把钟拨快1小时。
- Your friend John, as he is known among the English people on board, has a good baritone voice. 您的朋友约翰,是船上英国人中的佼佼者,有男中音的歌喉。
- St. Swithin Day, in fact, foretells the English people that the raining season is coming, and is a good day for them to take a look at their umbrellas. 圣斯韦辛日实际上是预先告诉英国人:雨季到了,看看自己的雨伞备好了没有。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Before her death seven years later, Lady Wallace bequeathed the contents of Hertford House to the English people. 华莱士夫人后来把赫特福德公馆的藏品全部捐献给了英国人民,7年后她与世长辞。
- Generally speaking, Americans are friendlier and more outgoing than the English people. 一般来说,美国人比英国人更友好,更容易相处。
- This paper tries to study the English proverbs and then probes into the English people s outlook on love and marriage. 本文从英语谚语的角度探讨一下英格兰民族的爱情观、婚姻观,以吸收英格兰民族文化之精华。
- MW: I've lived in England for ten years and I've loved the English people and the comedy and all that sort of stuff. 马克-韦伯:我在英国住了十年,我喜欢英国人、喜剧以及一切这种类型的事物。
- St. Swithin Day,in fact,foretells the English people that the raining season is coming,and is a good day for them to take a look at their umbrellas. 圣斯韦辛日实际上是预先告诉英国人:雨季到了,看看自己的雨伞备好了没有。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。
- In 1967 the English people sent planes to bomb the oil ship which hit a rock and set fire to most of the oil because the didn't want any more oil to float to the land. 英国人在1967年派出几架飞机把触礁的油船炸毁,并点燃了大部分石油,因为他们不想让更多的石油漂至陆地。
- Many days were named for gods and goddesses in the old myths. Before they became Christians,the English people worshipped the old Norse gods. 大多天数以古代神话和女神的名字命名。在英国人成为基督徒之前,他们崇拜古挪威的神。
- In short, the English reflects in its entire development the political, social, and cultural history of the English people. 简而言之,英语在它整个发展过程中反映了英国人民/民族的政治、社会和文化的历史。
- Ferryboats ply across the English Channel. 渡船定期往返于英吉利海峡。
- Aim: to listen to your guidance, the voice of your needs, leading to dig into the English people happy to meet you, knowledge desire!!! 辅导宗旨:聆听你们的声音,挖掘你们的需求,引领大家走进快乐的英语殿堂,满足大家对知识的渴望!!!
- She has a good grasp of the English language. 她精通英语。
- The English language is not allied to the Chinese. 英语与汉语不属于同一语系。
- In total, we also found the English people traveled more in 2000 than in 1985 while contrasting 4750 miles to 6475 miles. 总的来说,我们发现英国人2000年和1985年相比出门旅行的多了,从4750英里增加到了6475英里。
- Those words are underlined in the English book. 那本英语书中有些单词下画着线进行强调。