- I am also permitted to refer to Professor Raymond Powell of the Education Department at the Normal college. 敝人也提请师范学院教育系鲍尔教授作证明人,已得到他的同意。
- The repairs to the school will be financed by the educational department. 学校的修缮将由教育部门出资。
- He is something in the Education Department. 他在教育部颇有地位。
- The new rules is sued by the Education Department are working well. 教育部颁布的新规章很有效。
- Professor Li is the head of the education Department. 李教授是教育系的领导。
- Hello, I'm Katerina from Russia. I'm in the Education Department. 你好,我是凯特琳娜,我来自俄罗斯。我在教育系。
- He has been at his new post as minister of the Education Department. 他已改任教育部长。
- The Education Department will award the first grants early next year. 美国教育部将于明年初授予第一笔补助金。
- Schools may enrol teachers in training courses commissioned by the Education Department or arrange their own school-based training using cash grants provided. 学校可为教师报读教育署开办的训练课程,或领取现金津贴,自行安排校本训练课程。
- The year also saw the Education Department embarking on a reform of its organisational and management structures. 年内,教育署已着手改革其组织及管理架构。
- The Education Department should devolve more responsibility to schools with a view to improving their management. 教育署应把更多职权下放给学校,藉以改善学校管理。
- This November,the book was incorporated into the list of experimental English textbooks from the Education Department. 今年十一月,该书被列入了国家教育部国家试验教材目录。
- He was elected chairman of the education committee. 他当选为教育委员会主任委员。
- The Education Department provides advice and guidance to teachers. It also subsidises part of the expenditure and co-ordinates many inter-school programmes and activities. 教育署除了向教师提供有关课外活动的指引和意见外,还资助活动的部分经费,以及统筹多项校际节目和活动。
- The Education Department provides basic training in education management and administration for primary/secondary school heads and senior teachers. 教育署为中小学校长和主任级教师,提供教育管理及行政基础训练。
- The year also saw the growth of a client-based culture within the Education Department and a closer working partnership with its stakeholders. 年内,教育署加强了以客为本的文化,并与教育事务有关的人士和团体建立了更密切的伙伴合作关系。
- Short courses run by the Education Department to enhance the competence of English teachers. 由教育署举办的短期课程,以提升英语教师的专业能力。
- Many reforms must be made to the education system. 教育体制要作许多改革。
- In 2006, for example, the education department brought out poor primary-school test results on the same day as more heartening GCSE ones. 例如,2006年教育部门公布鼓舞人心的普通中等教育证书结果的同时也带来了有些糟糕的小学测试成绩。
- The educational department yamen chemical potential becomes inevitably. 教育部门衙门化势成必然。