- the EU Constitution Treaty 欧盟宪法条约
- This would be in hope that those nations that did not originally ratify the EU Constitution could resolve their internal disputes and pass the treaty on a second vote within the time limit. 也就是希望没有通过欧盟宪法之会员国,自己解决内部的纷争,然后在延长的期限里,透过第二次投票通过宪法条约。
- It is a deliberately obscure reworking of the draft EU constitutional treaty rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005. 里约实则有意对2005年法国与荷兰否决的欧盟宪法条约草案做出模糊修订。
- The top issue at Wednesday's talks was how to make progress on the stalled EU constitutional treaty which was rejected by French and Dutch voters in referendums two years ago. 周三会谈的首要议题是如何推动陷入停滞的欧盟宪法条约取得进展,两年前法国和荷兰在全民公决中拒绝了该条约。
- Internally some within the EU are also questioning its future direction after the rejection of the proposed EU Constitution by voters in France and. 而在欧盟内部,自从欧盟宪法在法国和丹麦遭到否决,有人开始怀疑欧盟的未来方向。
- But the two rejections by France and Holland have severely hampered the possibility that the EU Constitution will be ratified in any other country. 因此,荷兰与法国的双重否决立即重创了欧盟宪法持续在其他国家的通过可能性。
- By early 2006, France's then prime minister, Dominique de Villepin, was blaming enlargement for the French rejection of the EU constitution in a referendum the previous summer. 到了2006年初,当时法国总理德维尓潘把拒绝前一年夏天的欧盟宪法公投的责任归罪于扩大。
- Britain was, for example, widely expected to become a stumbling stone for the EU Constitution.No one expected that the French and Dutch referendums on the EU Constitution would fail first. 比如欧盟的宪法条约,大家本来预期英国应该会是绊脚石,没想到先在法国跟荷兰就公投失败;
- This special report will weigh the chances of making progress with the EU constitution or devising some other “institutional settlement”, to use the current catchphrase in Brussels. 特别报告将评估欧盟宪法取得进展的可能性,以及评估设计一些其他的“制度设置”以便利用布鲁塞尔当前的口号的可能性。
- EU Constitution Treaty 欧盟宪法条约
- What lessons can East Asians learn from the EU? 东亚可以从欧盟吸取到什么教益呢?
- The European Integration as Seen from the Plebiscite on the EU Constitution 从欧盟宪法公决看欧洲一体化
- Anyway, the EU works without the constitution. 无论如何,没有宪法,欧盟照样运转。
- Is Austria going to apply for membership of the EU? 奥地利打算申请加入欧洲联盟?
- The EU presidency rotates among the members. 欧盟主席一职由其成员国轮流担任。
- Italian FM hails Luxembourg's favorable vote on EU constitution. 意大利外交部称赞卢森堡表决通过欧盟宪法。
- They have won financial backing from the EU. 他们获得了欧盟的经济支持。
- Imports to the EU continue to grow strongly. 欧盟的进口继续强烈增长。
- This clause apply only to deal outside the eu. 这一条款只适用于欧盟以外的交易。
- We want to pressure the EU to pressure on the U.S. 我们要向欧盟施压,敦促他们向美国施加压力。