- The Duke of Edinburgh is the Queen's husband. 爱丁堡公爵是女王的丈夫。
- The title of Royal Highness is borne by the Duke of Edinburgh. 皇家殿下这个称呼是由爱丁堡公爵创造的。
- They will include the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales and their stepmother, the Duchess of Cornwall. 他们包括女王;王夫;王储;和他们的继母康沃尔公爵.
- Camilla was dining with the queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and the Prince of Wales in the Ball Room of Buckingham Palace. 卡米拉和女王、丁伯格公爵和威尔士亲王一起在白金汉宫的宴会厅进餐。
- The first'Royal walkabout' took place during the visit by The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh to Australia and New Zealand in 1970. 第一次徒步旅行是1970年出访澳大利亚和新西兰期间。
- The queen and her husband Prince Philip and the Duke of Edinburgh, were married in Westminster Abbey 60 years ago Tuesday. 伊丽莎白女王和丈夫爱丁堡公爵菲利普亲王60年前的11月20号在威斯敏斯特大修道院(又称西敏寺)举行了结婚典礼。
- The Duke of Edinburgh also clearly enjoyed Miss Bruni's company, while even Gordon Brown discarded his otherwise Cromwellian temperament to welcome the French first lady with much accord. 爱丁堡公爵看起来显然十分受用第一夫人的陪同。就连一贯乖戾脾气的首相戈登.;布朗对这位法兰西第一夫人也是殷情有加。
- It opened its doors on July5,1999,nearly52years after the first Edinburgh International Festival.It was officially opened by Her Majesty The Queen accompanied by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. 在图书节,人们不仅仅要聆听他人的声音,更重要的,是要参与。
- The original owner of the house was the Duke of Wellington. 这房子本来的主人是威灵顿公爵。
- "He was the duke of Saxe-Meiningen. 那是德国的梅宁根公爵。
- But it may be said as a rule that every Englishman in the Duke of Wellington's army paid his way. The remembrance of such a fact surely becomes a nation of shop-keepers. 可是有一样,威灵顿公爵军队里的英国人买东西向来不欠账,他们究竟是来自小店主之国,所以买东西从来不会忘记付钱。
- Mr. Mike Gretton, former Director of the Duke of Edinburgh Award 麦克·格雷顿,前爱丁堡公爵奖董事
- Absences within Council: HRH The Duke of Edinburgh was with the Queen; HRH The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon and 是还缺席的。
- He told how the Duke of Austria had abused him. 他厉述了奥地利公爵虐待他的情况。
- And the Duke of Saxony's nephew? 那么那位萨克森公爵的侄子呢?
- I say,isn't that the Duke of York sitting over there? 哎呀,坐在那儿的不是约克公爵吗?
- The trial was to begin under the direction of the Duke of Venice. 这件案子的审判将在威尼斯公爵指挥下进行。
- For the Duke of Sui, that was a much better reward than the pearls! 对隋侯爷来说,这是比珍珠更好的报答了!
- October - The Mai Po Wildlife Education Centre opened by WWF International President HRH Duke of Edinburgh. 十月:米埔野生生物教育中心開幕,由世界自然基金會國際會長愛丁堡公爵主持開幕儀式。
- What makes the Duke of Windsor and the throne Jiangshan discarded? 是什么让温莎公爵舍弃江山和王位?