- the Defense Ministry building 国防部大楼
- The defense ministry says President Mahinda Rajapaksa is expected to address the nation from parliament Tuesday. 斯里兰卡国防部说,拉贾帕克塞总统预计将于星期二在国会向全国发表讲话。
- The defense ministry said the government's usual policy is not to comment on submarine deployments. 国防部说政府的惯常政策是不对潜艇部署做评论。
- "The Russians' purpose of Gilad's visit was to discuss the UAVs and to convince the Defense Ministry to approve the sale," one senior official said. 一位高级官员表示俄罗斯邀请以色列官员来访是商讨购买事宜和促进国防部批准该军售。
- Abdul Rahim Wardak spoke to reporters on the grounds of the Defense Ministry about his recent visit to the Pentagon, where he met his U. 瓦尔达克在阿富汗国防部对记者介绍了他最近访问美国五角大楼的情况。
- Ivanov said the state, including the Defense Ministry, was planning to invest in manufacturing planes, helicopters and aircraft engines. 伊万诺夫声称:包括国防部在内,国家计划向飞机、直升机和飞机发动机制造业投资。
- Still, the lieutenant colonel denied that the Defense Ministry had actually banned filming in the former headquarters of the German general staff in Berlin. 但是,该中校否认国防部曾禁止拍摄,在总部前的德国将军工作人员在柏林举行会晤。
- Carrasco also holds a post at the Defense Ministry, which recently banned planting of genetically modified glyphosate-resistant soy on lands it rents to farmers. 卡洛斯科在国防部也有任职,国防部最近已下令禁止在其租赁给农户的土地上播种抗草甘膦型转基因大豆。
- Russian news agencies say the Defense Ministry claims to have sunk a Georgian missile boat that was trying to attack Russian navy ships in the Black Sea. 俄罗斯新闻社报道,国防部长宣称已经在黑海击沉了一艘试图攻击俄罗斯海军战舰的格鲁吉亚导弹船。
- Russia news agencies say the Defense Ministry claims to have sunk a Georgian missile boat that was trying to attack Russian navy ships in the Black Sea. 俄罗斯通讯社称国防部宣称已经击沉一艘格鲁吉亚导弹舰,这艘导弹舰试图在黑海袭击俄罗斯海军船队。
- Xinhua News Agency, Washington, September 4--The Pentagon announced here today that the Defense Ministry of the United States had delayed the launch of a $1 billion eavesdropping satellite. 新华社华盛顿9月4日电美国五角大楼4日在此间宣布,美国防部将推迟发射一颗价值10亿美元的间谍卫星。
- "His Royal Highness Prince Harry will deploy to Iraq later this year," the Defense Ministry and the prince's office said Thursday, in a joint statement that clearly reflected worries that his presence could draw fire on himself and those serving with him. 国防部长和皇家于周二发表联合声明,称“尊敬的哈里王子殿下不久将出征伊拉克”,声明也显示出了对王子出征可能给她本人以及他的战友带来的危险表示的担心。
- They are repairing the defense works. 他们正在修防御工程。
- The Defense Ministry broadcast repeated statements asking people to remain calm and warning that security forces would respond aggressively to looting and do whatever was necessary to protect civilians. 国防部广播人员反复陈词,劝求人们保持冷静,并警告说不排除安全部队将对劫掠行为作出强烈反应,同时为了保护平民不惜采取任何措施。
- In a white paper it publishes every two years, the Defense Ministry says it believes North Korea has about 50 kilograms of plutonium -- 30 kilograms of it obtained during the past three years. 韩国国防部在每两年发表一次的白皮书中说,它相信北韩拥有大约50公斤的金属钸,其中30公斤在过去3年期间获得。
- The defense was overwhelmed by superior numbers. 防守被优势的兵力摧垮了。
- LONDON, England (AP) -- British fighter pilots were asked by a military chief to consider flying suicide missions as a last resort to stop terrorists, the defense ministry acknowledged Tuesday. 伦敦英国(美联社)--英国国防部承认,一名军队长官曾向英国战斗机飞行员要求,把自杀式袭击当作反恐的最后手段。
- Abdul Rahim Wardak spoke to reporters on the grounds of the Defense Ministry about his recent visit to the Pentagon, where he met his U.S. counterpart and other American officials. 随著平民死亡人数不断上升而招致国内和国际上的批评增多,阿富汗国防部长说,美国和其他国际部队已经承诺“尽全力”来避免空袭对平民造成的伤亡。
- The attack came just hours after a pair of rockets fell harmlessly between the Presidential Palace and the Defense Ministry - the latest targeting of the most secure area of the Afghan capital. 在喀布尔东部郊区,一名自杀炸弹杀手驾驶一辆装满炸药的汽车在一条繁忙的高速公路上冲向一个外国军队的补给车队。
- The defense ministries of the two countries held defense consultations at the vice-ministerial level in January 2000. 2000年1月,中美两国国防部进行了副部长级防务磋商。