- The Basic Law, as the constitutional law of HKSAR, gives a firm protection to this principle. 《基本法》作为香港特区的宪制法律,为“一国两制”的原则提供有力保障。
- The Basic Law,as the constitutional law of HKSAR,gives a firm protection to this principle. 《基本法》作为香港特区的宪制法律,为“一国两制”的原则提供有力保障。
- National Peoples Congress and its standing committee grow corpus of the constitutional law superintendence system. 在美国的司法审查制度下,宪法监督存在于整个司法系统,与普通的司法管辖并无本质的区别。
- However, the Constitutional Law Committee of the parliament reviews any doubtful bills and recommends changes, if needed. 但是若有必要,议会的宪法委员会则审查每一张存疑的选票并提出修改建议。
- However, as it regards to the constitutional law and the constitutional theory in present China, the methodological dualism still remains to be an important philosophical issue. 而在学科的方法论意义上坚持价值与事实的二分,仍将构成当下宪法学的一个重要的哲学基础问题。
- They have made the constitutional reform. 他们已经做了宪法的修改。
- The concept and nature of the constitutional law 宪法的概念
- thoughts on the constitutional law 完法思想
- Based on the present research results, a method to establish the constitutive law for collapsible deformation is proposed by studding the collapsible loess in Lanzhou. 本文在对兰州地区湿陷性黄土的湿陷变形的研究,在已有研究成果的基础上,建议了一种建立黄土湿陷变形本构关系的方法。
- The President swore to uphold the constitution. 总统宣誓维护宪法。
- The Constitutional Law is Balance as Play Chess of Law among People 国家法和民间法的博弈均衡
- The constitution provides for an elected two-chamber legislature. 宪法规定设置经选举产生的两院制立法机构。
- the relationship between the civil law and the constitutional law 宪法与民法的关系
- Oldest member of the Constitutional Convention. 制宪大会中年纪最大的一人。
- What happened at the Constitutional Convention? 制宪大会发生了甚么事情?
- The experimental data was used for fitting to volume submit surface and shear submits surface, the constitutive law based on the principle of generalize plastic mechanic was built. 采用试验数据拟合得到体积屈服面和剪切屈服面,基于广义塑性力学原理,建立了岸坡岩土材料的本构模型。
- On the issue of the constitutionalization of environmental rights, only one voice can be heard, saying that environmental rights should be lined in the constitution law as human basic right. 就有关环境权宪法化问题,学界几乎存在一边倒的现象,认为环境权应作为一项基本人权规定在我国宪法中。
- The constitutional or statutory right to vote. 选举权宪法或法律规定的选举权
- The constitution vests the president with the power to declare war. 宪法授予总统宣战权。
- This action infringed the constitution. 这种行为违反了宪法。