- All of the colonies are up in arms against him. 所有的殖民地均奋起与他作斗争。
- All of the colonies were up in arms against him. 所有的殖民地均奋起与他作斗争。
- Ultimately, all the colonies will become independent. 所有的殖民地最终均将独立。
- The colonies combined to form the United States . 那些殖民地联合起来组成了美国。
- His ideas caught fire in the colonies. 他的见解在殖民地获得普遍的支持。
- In the nineteenth century younger sons were often intended for the Church, the Army or the colonies. 在19世纪,父母都希望年轻的儿子们在教会、军队或国外殖民地谋到职务。
- The American Revolution gave independence to the Colonies. 美国独立战争使十三个州得到了独立。
- He worked for the cause of the colonies. 他为了殖民地的解放事业而工作。
- Many persons came to the colonies. 许多人到殖民地来。
- All the morning the colonials had been gathering. 整个早晨殖民地居民都在聚集。
- The colony has now attained nationality. 这块殖民地现已获得独立。
- The colonies to the South were not without religious testimony. 南部殖民地仍免不了根据宗教立论。
- The colonial officer went so far as to order his men to snoot down all escaping villagers. 殖民地官员竞命令他的部下用格打死所有的逃出的村民。
- They amassed huge wealth by plundering the colonies. 他们通过掠夺殖民地聚敛了大笔的财富。
- The Colonial Secretary was continued in office. 殖民大臣留任。
- The colonies are replica-plated onto nitrocellulose filters. 将菌落影印接种在硝酸纤维素滤膜上。
- Flik: The colony is in good hands. 飞仔:这个国家一切都井井有条。
- The Colonial era of U.S.history;the Kennedy era. 美国历史上的殖民时期;肯尼迪时代
- The colony struggled to achieve independence. 殖民地努力获得独立。
- Supportive industries developed as the colonies grew. 随着殖民地的不断扩大,一些辅助性工业也很快发展起来。