- We visited the Chinese community in San Francisco. 我们访问了旧金山的华人社区。
- The Chinese community is quite worthy of a visit. 华人社区非常值得去参观一下。
- The Chinese community is knit together by common interests. 共同的利益使华人社区团结起来。
- Orz is very popular in the Chinese Community. ORZ 在网上非常流行。
- The Chinese community here are shooting off fireworks in celebration of the Chinese New Year. 这儿的华人社区在放烟火,庆祝春节。
- The worry of the Chinese community is not unfounded. 华社对这样的现象忧心忡忡是可以理解的。
- In alliance with the Chinese community, both raised violent objection to the takeover. 华社与马华反对派两股势力的结盟,使反收购运动汹涌澎湃。
- Singapore's Chinese community will soon face a critical shortage of people who are proficient in the Chinese language. 我国华人社会不久将面临华文人才短缺的危机。
- Coming right after the firworks is music and dace from9 p. m. to midnight in the Chinese Community Center. 烟火晚会之后在中国社区中心将会有歌舞演唱表演从九点开始直到午夜。
- There are strong emotional ties between the Chinese community and the Chinese press which are almost inter-dependent. 华社与华文报存有深厚的感情,其关系已是到了唇齿相依。
- The Chinese community reacted with fury towards MCA's purchase of Nanyang Press. 不过,马华的收购行动受到华社的强烈反对。
- In alliance with the Chinese community,both raised violent objection to the takeover. 为了响应中国的社团,双方纷纷发动激烈的反收购运动。
- More importantly,the outlook of the Chinese community in Singapore has been attuned to its geopolitical environment. 更重要的是,新加坡的华人社群已经适应了这里的地缘政治环境。
- The English language is not allied to the Chinese. 英语与汉语不属于同一语系。
- The Chinese eat with chopsticks. 中国人用筷子吃饭。
- We are a non-profit organization established in 1992 to serve the chinese community in police-related matter. 本中心成立于1992年,是一个专为服务华人社区警讯方面的需要而成立的非营利机构。
- The Chinese community doesn't have as strong a voice in the Congress as the Jewish people, though. That's a pity. 美国华人团体在美国国会中没有犹太人那样有很大的影响力,很可惜。
- This annual activity united the Chinese community into one big family, forming a touching scene. 这一年一度的活动,华人不分团体,宛如一个大家族,很是令人感动!
- And, these are not just functions for the individual, but also for the Chinese community, and for Singapore society. ”这些利益不仅对个人有好处,对华族社群与新加坡社会也有好处。
- The Chinese are industrious people. 中国人民是一个勤劳的民族。