- Should Britain boycott the Beijing Olympic Games? 英国是否应该抵制北京奥运会?
- I am convinced that the Beijing Olympic games will be successful. 我相信北京奥运会一定会成功的!
- The Torch Relay of the Beijing Olympic Games is unique. 北京奥运会圣火火炬传递是很特别的。
- The 29th session of the Beijing Olympic Games has inaugurate! 第29届北京奥运会已经开幕!
- We are expecting the holding of the Beijing Olympic Games. 我们至盼北京奥运会的召开。
- There are 14 saluting guns specially made for the Beijing Olympic Games. 北京奥运会有专门制造的14门迎宾礼炮。
- Tickets to the Beijing Olympic Games will be affordable to ordinary people. 北京奥运会门票将成为老百姓负担得起的(物品).
- Beijing Olympics Should Britain boycott the Beijing Olympic Games? (英国应该联合抵制奥运会吗?)
- Did you know that London already has a special link to the Beijing Olympic Games? 您是否知道伦敦已经因北京举办奥运会与北京建立了特殊关系?
- Zou Kai of China won the horizontal gold medal at the Beijing Olympic Games here on Tuesday. 中国体操运动员邹凯在周二进行的奥运会单杠决赛中获得金牌。
- The contributions those youth volunteers did to the Beijing Olympic Games are remarkable. 那些青年志愿者为北京奥运会做出的贡献是显著的。
- Their ulterior motive was to disrupt the Beijing Olympic Games, destroy peace and stability, and split the country. 暴徒的目的是试图干扰北京奥运会,破坏和平与稳定,分裂国家。
- Russia's Elena Insinbaeva retained the women's pole vault gold at the Beijing Olympic Games. 俄罗斯“撑杆跳女皇”伊辛巴耶娃摘得北京奥运会女子撑杆跳金牌。
- A Chinese player is seen cheering during the Beijing Olympic Games on TV in a barber's shop in Beijing. 北京一家胡同理发店内的电视上,中国体操运动员成功完成动作,庆贺胜利。
- During the mourning days, the torch relay for the Beijing Olympic Games will be suspended to mourn the quake victims. 哀悼日期间,北京奥林匹克运动会火炬传递将暂停三天以哀悼地震的死难者。
- The contributions those youg volunteers did to the Beijing Olympic Games are remarkable/significant/obvious. 那些青年志愿者为北京奥运会做出的贡献是显著的。
- Q3:Which three Asian or Oceanian football teams have qualified for the Beijing Olympic Games? 问:获得北京奥运会男足比赛参赛资格的亚洲区三支球队为?
- The unique design of jade-inlaid-medals is a shining point of the Beijing Olympic Games. 奥运奖牌"金镶玉"的独特设计是北京奥运会的一大亮点。
- In the handsome guy was runner-up China's Cai Yun / Fu Haifeng, will debut after the Beijing Olympic Games. 在上获得亚军的中国帅哥蔡赟/傅海峰,将在北京奥运会后首次亮相。
- It is said that long ago, Jingjing to retire after the Beijing Olympic Games will be ready to marry just Huo Q. 早就有消息称,晶晶将于北京奥运会后退役,随时准备下嫁霍启刚。