- The auger remains in my mind as metaphor of form. 在我的印象中旋转是形状的象征。
- the Auger process 奥格过程
- Then I felt the numbing pain of the auger bit crushing my back. 然后,钻孔机钻头压断了我的后背,我痛的几乎麻木了。
- Original material in high quality stainless steel,process through nicety to can is suitable for the powder material any form to calculate with filling the auger of the manufact uring. 优质的不锈钢原材料,经过精密加工和制造的螺杆可以适合任何形式的粉末物料的计量和填充。
- Original material in high-quality stainless steel, process through nicety to can is suitable for the powder material of any form to calculate with filling the auger of the manufacturing. 优质的不锈钢原材料,经过精密加工和制造的螺杆可以适合任何形式的粉末物料的计量和填充。
- "If the auger is operated slowly, we could take out as little as a cubic centimetre of material at a time. “如果让钻头缓慢地工作,我们每次能取出只有一立方厘米那么点的泥土。
- What this means is the auger, (the threaded part to which the backing plate attaches), is driven directly off the electric motor. 它是一个螺丝钻(背面有图案装饰的)可直接切断电源。
- In our daily life we know the auger as a large, dynamic iron tool which moves clay and digs into the earth. 在我们的日常生活中,旋转给我们的印象只是一种用来挖土的工具。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- The test results showed that the practical requirements can be met by the optimal parameters of the auger. 应用结果表明,研究结论完全符合实际要求。
- I enjoy the visual push and pull, into and out of the central axis of the auger form. 我很喜欢这种以旋转为中轴的视觉上的推进拉出。
- The new process extracts oil from shale. 这一新过程可从页岩里提炼出石油。
- This roaster is actually in the middle of a roast cycle ... you can just make out the auger in the glass roast chamber. 大意:这台烘焙是实际上利用中心旋转的原理(中部加热)进行的。
- The project is not finished but is till in process. 该项工程尚未结束,仍在进行之中。
- The simulation of the Auger electron emissions in scanning probe electron energy spectrometer (SPEES) is reported. 报道了对扫描探针电子能谱仪(SPEES)中俄歇电子出射的理论模拟研究。
- Starting from any altitude and orientation, and to the pilot right start your Auger. The helicopter does not have to be pirouetting when the Auger starts. 先将直升机保持在任意的高度及方向,朝操控者的右侧开始执行螺旋钻的动作。在执行螺旋钻的动作之前,机体不须保持自旋。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- The twist of the auger form is a gesture in space, which we experience both visually and tactilely, intellectually and physically. 旋转的扭曲是一种我们在视觉上,触觉上,精神上,肉体上都能够体验到的。