- That was strictly forbidden as fatal to the whole project of making Vegas the legal sanctuary of American gamblers. 暴力行为是受到严格禁止的。 因为暴力行为对于把韦加斯建设成为美国赌徒合法的庇护所的整个计划是致命的打击。
- By4h post-lesion,there was a32%~39%reduction in diameter of mi-crovasculature that was strictly confined to the areas of NOS neuronal degeneration. 4 h后NOS阳性神经元损伤区域微血管的直径缩小了32%25~39%25;
- Oh, about6:30- will that be all right? 哦,6点30分左右-这个时间行吗?
- The safety comes from rules that are strictly followed: shower before you come, bring clean pajamas, ask permission before you cuddle, and keep your clothes on. 这样的安全性来自大家严格遵守的规定:来之前要冲澡,带干净的睡衣裤来,拥抱之前先征求同意,不可以脱衣服。
- It seems to me that be would like to go back home. 我觉得他好象想要回家。
- Whoever can that be at the door? 在门口的究竟是谁呢?
- There are strict corporate security guidelines that are rigorously enforced,, including application architecture and code inspections, to ensure compliance. 具有严格的企业安全指南,并得以严格执行来确保这些指南得到了遵从,包括应用程序体系结构和代码检查。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- From the outset it was clear that be was guilty. 一开始就已清楚,他是有罪的。
- That was a fine meal if ever there was one! 那确实是一顿丰盛的饭。
- That was the only thing they could count on. 那是他们唯一依靠的东西。
- I've heard of affairs that are strictly platonic 我曾听说恋爱是严格意义上柏拉图式的
- That was a moment that I shall never forget. 那个时刻我永远不会忘记。
- That was just a lot of hot air what Mark said. 马克所说的不过是一大堆空话。
- My father grows roses that are second to none. 我父亲种的玫瑰是最好的。
- I'm sorry. That was my stomach rumbling. 对不起,那是我的肚子在咕噜咕噜响。
- That was a close call, the train nearly hit the car. 好险,火车差一点就撞上那部车子
- Alexander the Great had two UFO encounters that were recorded. 亚历山大大人记录了二次UFO接触案例。
- The whole class is here bar two that are ill. 除两人生病外,全班都到齐了。
- That was a pretty dumb thing to do. 那件事干得可真蠢。