- Abstract: Author made stress-relaxation tests on kiwifruits using texture analyzer of TA-XTi. 文章摘要: 猕猴桃果实组织和部位的各特性参数呈现出差异性,其中外圈果肉和内圈肉囊组织的流变特性参数差异极显著,上、中、下3部位的差异不显著;
- The factors affecting the characters of processed cheese were studied by texture analyzer and rheometer. 利用质构仪和流变仪对影响再制干酪品质的多个因素进行了研究。
- Conners, R.W., and C.A. Harlow, 1980a, Toward a Structural Texture Analyzer Based on Statistical Method, Computer Graphic and Image Processing, Vol.12, p.224-256. 陈彦宏,"运用纹理资讯辅助高解析度卫星影像于都会区水稻田萃取之研究",逢甲大学土地管理学研究所硕士论文,民国九十三年。
- The results showed that main indicators of assessing steamed bread were its volume, color, appearance, springiness and resilience gotten by the texture analyzer. 研究结果表明,评价馒头品质的主要感官指标为色泽、外观形状;度量指标为体积;
- A New Type of Multi-Function Food Texture Analyzer 一种新型多功能食品质构仪
- Development of a New Type of Food Texture Analyzer 新型食品质构仪的研制
- The cake has a nice light texture. 这蛋糕松软可口。
- This kind of cloth has a close texture. 这种布质地很紧密。
- I like the smooth texture of this material. 我喜欢这种料子的光滑质地。
- Having a mealy or powdery texture. 有粉状或面粉状结构的
- A Method of the Length of the Thread of Starch Paste Measured with Texture Analyzer 质构仪测定淀粉糊糊丝长度的方法
- Study on color and texture of dry white Chinese noodle with high protein by using color and texture analyzer 用色度仪和质构仪对高蛋白挂面色泽和质地的研究
- The surface texture produced by such a treatment or coating. 涂饰后的表面通过最后这道工序制造的表面纹理
- Beat the mixture until it has a light, puffy texture. 把混合料搅拌到发起来为止。
- Quantitative evaluation of meat tenderness by penetration method of Texture Analyzer 质构仪穿透法测定肉制品嫩度的研究
- Keywords dumpling quality;evaluation;Minolta CR310 colorimeter;Texture Analyzer; 饺子品质;评价;色度仪;质构仪;
- Having the texture of cartilage; firm and tough, yet flexible. 软骨性的有软骨组织结构的; 坚固、坚韧而又有弹性的
- I don't like the texture of octopus. 我不喜欢咬嚼章鱼时的感觉。
- The analyzer unit consists of two enclosures. 分析单元由二部分组成。