- textile treating agent 纺织品处理剂
- Potassium ferrate,a non-chloric multi-function water treating agent,has a broad application prospect. 高铁酸钾是一种非氯的多效水处理剂,具有广阔的发展前景。
- Nano-CaCO3 in water phase was modified with a specified surface treating agent via wet route. 用特定的表面改性剂在水相中对纳米碳酸钙的悬浮液进行了湿法改性。
- The surface treating agent for rubber shoe sole was synthesized by grafting modification of CR/SBS with methyl methacrylate and acrylic acid. 采用甲基丙烯酸甲酯、丙烯酸接枝改性CR/SBS,合成橡胶鞋底表面处理剂,解决了传统橡胶鞋底粘接强度不大等问题。
- Discuss the effectiveness of different type of gum,fumed silica, treat agent to the propertles of HTV paper transmission silicone roller. 摘要:以高摩尔质量、低乙烯基含量硅橡胶生胶,气相法白炭黑,低粘度羟基硅油为原料,制备了送纸胶辊用高温硅橡胶。
- The usage of chitin/chitosan and its derivatives in food industry includign liquid treating agent,food processing additive,food preservation and health food is reviewed. 综述了甲壳素/壳聚糖及其衍生物在食品工业中的应用,包括液体处理剂、食品加工添加剂、保鲜剂和保健食品。
- The influence of dosages of NBR, plasticzer, clay filler and surface treating agent on the mechanical properties of PVC/NBR unvulcanized blends was studied. 研究了橡胶用量、增塑剂用量、不同黏土填料、表面处理剂种类及用量,对聚氯乙烯/丁腈橡胶非硫化复合体系力学性能的影响。
- They are widely used in defoaming agent, emulsifier, leveling agent, fiber treating agent, silicone resin modifying agent and low foam detergent formulation. 广泛地用于消泡剂、乳化剂、匀染剂、纤维处理剂、有机硅树脂改性剂及低泡洗涤配方中。
- It has a lot of potential applications in the field of masking agent, pretanning agent, retanning agent, finishing agent, tannery effluent treating agent and so on. 发现改性淀粉在制革上主要用作铬盐的蒙囿剂、预鞣剂、复鞣剂、涂饰剂以及制革废水处理剂等。
- A standing and layering process for the regenerated acid purification is described. The treating agent ANPA is added in regenerated acid and stood after agitation to purify it through layering. 介绍了净化再生酸的静置分层法 ,将处理剂 ANPA加入再生酸中,搅拌后静置,使再生酸分层分离而得到净化。
- The results showed the thermal stability of POM could be improved remarkably by applying triethanolamine as amine treating agent through melting processing, and the optimum content of triethanolamine was 0.2%. 结果表明:以三乙醇胺为胺处理剂、采用熔融后处理法可有效提高聚甲醛热稳定性能,三乙醇胺最佳用量为0.;2%25。
- The experiment showed that the modified resin could improve its water proof property and cohesiveness, which was applied to the water proof treating agent for paper and adhesive of water proof abrasive paper in coating abrasives. 通过配方优选制得合成工艺和树脂性能综合优良的改性树脂 ,实验表明树脂具有优良的耐水性、耐溶剂性和粘结性。
- I got a job in a textile factory. 我在一家纺织厂找到一份工作。
- A standing and layering process for the regenerated acid purification is described.The treating agent ANPA is added in regenerated acid and stood after agitation to purify it through layering. 介绍了净化再生酸的静置分层法,将处理剂ANPA加入再生酸中,搅拌后静置,使再生酸分层分离而得到净化。
- The textile industry employs many women workers. 纺织工业雇许多女工人。
- He intends to retail textile goods. 他打算零售纺织品。
- Mary studies at the textile institute. 玛丽在纺织学院学习。
- The designers have created a new textile. 设计人员创造了一种新织物。
- In the drilling fluid system, main treating agents include polyalco-hol CFH-2, strong sealing agent and high temperature salt tolerant filtrate reducer OCL-PT, and so on. 聚合醇CFH-2具有可生物降解性;既能提高体系的抑制性、润滑性及储层保护性能;又可满足环保要求; 抗高温降滤失剂OCL-PT能有效地降低饱和盐水体系在高密度(2.;32g/cm。)
- Among the treating agents are bituminous binders, Portland cement, and a variety of chemicals including calcium and sodium chloride, lime, and several organic compounds. 常用的外加剂有:沥青材料,普通硅酸盐水泥,以及各种各样的化合物,如:氯化钙、氯化钠、石灰和有机质。