- tetracycline regulated system 四环素调控系统
- It is assumed that nature involves an orderly regulated system. 人们认为自然界是一个有规律有条理的系统。
- Tetracycline regulating system 四环素调控系统
- It is assumed that nature involves an orderly regulated system . 人们认为自然界是一个有规律有条理的系统。
- A regulated system, as of diet and exercise; a regimen. 生活制度:一个有规则的制度,如饮食和锻炼(制度);养生法
- To eat and drink according to a regulated system, especially so as to lose weight or control a medical condition. 进规定的饮食:吃规定的饮食,尤其指减肥或调整健康情况。
- Completing the government telecom regulatory system. 政府通信管理体系正在建立和完善。
- Establishing the regulation system for population and development. 40、建立人口与发展的调控体系。
- He initiated to restore the regulation system of Chinese sangha. 倡导安居、学戒、规范传戒以恢复僧团律制;
- MINT_DESC;By having a regulated system of minting and certain official representatives that ran the mints an effective coinage system existed.The importance of this cannot be overstated. 拥有规范的铸币体系和专门的负责官员使铸币厂成为有效率的货币体系的一部分,其重要性是不可估量的。
- There are two regulatory systems which interact. 有两个相互影响的调节系统。
- As a kind of regulatory tool, it is a kind of computer regulatory system too. 而作为一种管理工具,它同时又是一套先进的计算机管理系统。
- This is a clear regulatory system dereliction of duty, not as an executive. 这分明是一个监管体制失职,行政不作为的问题。
- The reliability and economics of turbine regulating system in Datong No. 分析了山西大同第二发电厂汽轮机调节系统的可靠性、经济性。
- Then the cell line was infected with retrovirus TRE-WT1. Results:A U937 cell line expressing WT1 regulated by the RevTet-On regulatory system was established. 结果 :在U937中建立四环素调控的WT1基因表达系统。
- The evidence for a widespread RNA-based regulatory system is strong, albeit still patchy. 以RNA为基础的调节系统广泛存在的证据虽然不完备,但却相当有力。
- Need for improving the independent regulation system in wastewater treatment sector. 污水第三方监管体制需要改进。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- Dual-Pressure Regulation System Modeling, Simulation and Thermal Analysis based on Swing Plate Piston Pump. 基于斜盘柱塞泵的双压力调节系统的建模以及热分析。