- testamenti factio [法] 遗嘱能力
- testamenti factio activa [法] 立遗嘱的能力
- testamenti factio passiva [法] 依遗嘱受领物件的能力
- testamenti factio relativa [法] 作遗嘱证人的能力
- Week of Light: Luck and morale for all creature from ecropolis, Inferno and Dungeo factio reduced y2 during attles. 光之周:所有死灵,恶魔,地下城生物的士气与运气减2。
- Week of Light: Luck and morale for all creature from ecropolis, Inferno and Dungeo factio reduced y 2 during attles. 光之周:所有死灵,恶魔,地下城生物的士气与运气减2。
- Week of Feeblene : Defe e of all creature from Haven, ylva and Academy factio reduced y 20% during attles. 虚弱之周:圣堂,精灵城,与学院的所有生物防御力下降20%25。
- facter testamenti [法] 立遗嘱权, 立遗嘱资格
- factio passiva [法] 接受遗嘱权, 受领遗嘱资格