- To develop automatic test so as to improve test efficiency and reduce test cost. 为了提高测试效率和减少测试成本开发自动机测试.
- There is complex structure in Baimiao gas field with greatly varied reservoir formatim and low production test efficiency. 白庙气田构造复杂,储层变化大,试采效果很差。
- Automating the test process and improving test efficiency demands integrating RF/microwave and low frequency switching systems into the test system. 为了使测试过程自动化并提高测试效率,就需要将RF/微波和低频切换系统集成到系统中。
- Consequently, it used C.F.A. to test efficiencies and fixed. 量化的归纳上接续以验证式因素分析法测试并验证结论。
- Practice shows that test efficiency and the development efficiency of ATS have risen maximumly with configuration Art and the universal problem of ATS has been solved. 实践表明采用组态技术极大的提高了自动测试系统的开发效率和测试效率,解决了自动测试系统的通用化问题。
- Using this automatic test system, time for testing AFCS decreases from about 4 hours to 20 minutes and test efficiency is greatly improved. 采用该自动测试系统后 ,AFCS系统检测时间从约 4h降为2 0min ,测试效率大为提高
- This automated test system can reduce the cost of the switch test, can increase the stableness of the switch test, can reduce the damage rate of switch test, and enhanced the test efficiency. 这种自动测试系统测试成本低、测试性能稳定,减少了开关的损坏率,提高了测试效率。
- The effect of test order on efficiency of fault diagnoses of electric equipment was studed, and raise good test order and test way, in the resulet increase test efficiency and decrease teat process. 叙述了电子设备故障诊断系统所进行检测的不同安排顺序对故障诊断效率的影响。提出了适当的检测顺序与检测方式,提高检查效率,缩短检查过程。
- The approach can reduce the number of stubs in object-oriented integrated testing to eventually improve the testing efficiency,and keep the original test coverage. 利用该方法进行面向对象集成测试可以减少桩模块的数量,提高测试效率,且不降低原有测试覆盖度。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- CPTS-1 is a software testing environment,the purpose of which is testing COBOL programs and enhancing testing efficiency. CPTS-1是一个以 COBOL 程序为测试目标,为提高测试效率而实现的一个软件测试环境。
- It is necessary to develop a computer-aided software testing tool to enhance testing efficiency and reduce testing cost. 为了减少软件测试的工作量;提高软件测试的效率.;非常有必要开发计算机辅助的软件测试工具。
- It describe the principle of Particle Impact Noise Detection testing and the test method, expatiating some points for affecting the PIND test efficiency, illuminating the noticing problems at testing. 讲述了粒子碰撞噪声检测技术的原理及试验方法,对试验时应注意的问题进行了说明。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully. 他沉思地把试管拿在手里。
- The FBP local algorithm on the base FBP was presented for the small fan X-ray CT so as to improve the testing efficiency for the fault of SRM, which was used to implement local tomography by data of region-of-interest (ROI) of SRM. 针对小张角扇形射线束CT的特点及提高固体火箭发动机缺陷检测效率,本文在滤波反投影(FBP)算法的基础上,提出了局部区域的图像重建方法,采用感兴趣的局部区域(ROI)的采样数据,实现了固体火箭发动机局部图像重建。
- It will be wise to go over your test paper again. 还是把您的考卷再检查一遍的好。
- Let us show you to see the engine to test. 让我们指给你看要测试的发动机。
- He is answering the test paper busily. 他正忙着答考试卷。
- Don't tumble down on this easy test. 这次考试不难,你可别考砸了。