- territorial social resources 国土社会资源
- Establish commercial brands, integrate social resources. 树立商业品牌,整合社会资源。
- Just like everyone of us, disabled persons have the right to enjoy the social resources. 残疾人士和我们一样,是社会的一份子,有权利去享用社会资源。
- Providing education and training to disabled persons is a waste of social resources. 教育及训练残疾人士是浪费社会资源。
- The public participation in collocating social resource is rarity. 政府机构控制着80%25的公共管理信息,社会掌握的政务信息不超过20%25。
- According to the situation in China, the existing social resources cannot meet the actual demand of legal assistance. 由于我国国情所决定 ,现有的社会资源难以支撑法律援助的实际需求。
- Experts warned that irrational family planning would result in a shortage of social resources. 专家警告,缺乏理性的生育计划会导致社会资源紧缺。
- I do Residential Housing roughcast more inclined, I think the Housing blank save social resources may be in better. 做住宅我倾向毛坯房更多,我认为毛坯房在节省社会资源方面可能会更好。
- Kobasa S C O, Puccetti M C. Personality and social resources in stress resistance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1983,45:839--850. 李运亭.;社会支持在工作压力管理的作用研究;浙江大学硕士论文;1998。
- Discrimination against AIDS patients occurs in our society, not only influencing the patients but also restricting their usage of social resources. 摘要社会对爱滋病患存在歧视,不但影响病患也使家庭可利用社会资源受到限制。
- If the procedure is taken without careful consideration, not only is it a waste of social resources, it can do irretrievable harm to the patients. 手术若贸然进行,不但浪费社会资源,亦造成病人不可挽回的伤害。
- Also,all the social resources should be used to support the masssports career.The article stressed that we should disinter the nationa... 特别强调要充分发掘我国的民族体育资源为群众体育服务。
- Advantages of social resources: including those with technical resources and monopolize resources, brand resources listed companies. 社会资源优势:包括那些具有技术资源、垄断资源、品牌资源的上市公司。
- The Chinese nation has the fine tradition of helping the poor and assisting the needy, and there lie abundant social resources for poverty relief among the masses of people. 中华民族历来具有扶贫济困的优良传统,人民群众中蕴藏着扶贫开发丰厚的社会资源。
- Given China's large population, selective birth in so-called lucky years may worsen the existing shortage of social resources, including education and employment. 中国人口眾多,选在所谓的‘幸运年’生孩子将会进一步加剧教育、就业等社会资源的紧缺问题。
- We must also continue to promote the balanced development of social programs and services in the urban and rural areas by pooling social resources under unified planning. 进一步加强统筹规划,整合社会资源,促进城乡社会事业均衡发展。
- We will promote fair competition, break regional blockades and industry monopolies, and organize and mobilize all social resources to promote economic growth. 促进公平竞争,消除地区封锁,打破行业垄断,组织调动各种社会资源,促进经济增长。
- In the IT era, the NOC is one of valued social resources, its development and utilization would definitely cause great economic and social repercussions. 代码信息作为信息时代中一种宝贵的社会资源,它的开发和利用将会产生巨大的经济和社会效益。
- Then it examines the movement's conscious appropriation of various ideational and practical social resources in the Christian tradition in aid of its objectives. 本文首先分析基督教福音主义对运动所产生之影响,接著分析运动在其动员工作中如何有意识地积极挪用基督教传统当中之思想与社会资源,以促其目标之实现。
- A nation's practice or policy of territorial or economic expansion. 扩张主义一个国家领土或经济扩张的政策或实践