- She fetched him a terrific slap in the face. 她狠狠地给了他一记耳光。
- He is driving at a terrific speed. 他以极快的速度驾驶。
- What I said was, it's a terrific view. 我刚才说的是,景色美极了。
- The article is a savage attack on her past action. 那篇文章对她过去的行为进行了恶毒的攻击。
- One squadron peeled off to attack enemy bombers. 一中队战机脱离编队攻击敌轰炸机群。
- She had an attack of indigestion yesterday. 她昨天消化不良。
- The commander chalked out his plan of attack. 司令官对进攻计划作了粗略的介绍。
- A terrific hue and cry was raised against the new tax proposals. 人们大声疾呼抗议新的税收计划。
- The falling coconut give him a terrific bang on the head. 那只掉下的椰子砰地击中他的脑袋。
- The attack on Pearl Harbor was a crushing calamity. 偷袭珍珠港(对美军来说)是一场毁灭性的灾难。
- The attack would bog down sooner or later. 进攻迟早会陷入停滞状态。
- An attack of fever carried Gary off. 加里突然患了一种热病,不幸死亡。
- The bacillus can attack us from many ways. 细菌能从许多途径侵入我们。
- The door struck him in the face with a terrific wham. 门砰的一声巨响,把他的脸撞了。
- The attack on the ship is viewed as an act of war. 攻击了那条船已视作战争行为。
- There were terrific rejoicings on the day war ended. 战争结束的那一天人们狂欢庆祝。
- The falling coconut gave him a terrific bang on the head. 那只掉下的椰子砰地击中他的脑袋。
- He's still convalescing from a heart attack. 他仍在心脏病突发後的疗养中。
- Their engagement created a terrific splash in the popular press. 他俩订婚的事在广受欢迎的新闻界极为轰动。
- There was a terrific hoo-ha (going on) about who should pay. 对谁该付款这区区小问题争吵得不可开交。