- That autumn a terrible flood ravaged St. Ogg's. 那年秋天,一场的洪水洗劫了圣奥格村。
- If we had built the reservior,tITe willn’t be a terrible flood. (假如咱们修了水坝,就不会除了可怕的洪灾了。)事实上,并么有修水坝。
- A terrible flood struck the areas along the Changjiang River this summer. 今年夏天一场可怕的洪水袭击了长江沿岸地区。
- If we had built the reservior,there wouldn’t been a terrible flood. (假如我们修了水坝,就不会发生可怕的洪灾了。)事实上,并没有修水坝。
- They had to migrate tothis new land because of the terrible flood in the fifties. 由于五十年代的那场可怕的洪水他们被迫迁移到了这片土地。
- There are good novelists, despite the terrible flood of bad novel and poor work. 虽然有很多粗制滥造的小说和作品,但还是有很多优秀的小说家。
- There are good novelists (despite)the terrible flood of bad noves and poor work. 除了胡乱泼墨和不努力工作的都是好小说家。
- He and his family knelt down and thanked God for keeping them safe during the terrible flood and for giving them a fresh start in a new world. 他和他的家人跪下来,感谢上帝让他们安全度过这场可怕的洪水,并给予他们一个新世界的崭新开始。
- During the rainy season the river,swollen by mountain torrents,caused terrible floods in the valley. 在雨季,山洪暴发,河水猛涨,给河谷地区造成可怕的水灾。
- During the rainy season the river, swollen by mountain torrents, caused terrible floods in the valley. 在雨季,山洪暴发,河水猛涨,给河谷地区造成可怕的水灾。
- In 1998 terrible floods ravished China, destroying households and wrecking lives. 1998年,巨大的洪水袭击了中国,房屋被淹没,人民生命受到威胁。
- War, famine and flood are terrible evils. 战争、饥荒和洪水都是可怕的灾祸。
- It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 在这麽恶劣的天气里出去太荒唐。
- The terrible scene was engraved on his memory. 那可怕的情景铭记在他的记忆里。
- Madam President,Honourable Members,during the past few months,as I prepared for this Policy Address,images kept flashing through my mind of our countrymen fighting the terrible floods which swept through China this summer. 主席女士,各位议员,在我制订《施政报告》的整段期间,内地同胞在今年夏天奋勇抗洪的场面,始终在我脑海挥之不去。
- Madam President, Honourable Members, during the past few months, as I prepared for this Policy Address, images kept flashing through my mind of our countrymen fighting the terrible floods which swept through China this summer. 主席女士,各位议员,在我制订《施政报告》的整段期间,内地同胞在今年夏天奋勇抗洪的场面,始终在我脑海挥之不去。
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。
- A flood of this sort is really unprecedented. 这样大的洪水真是十年九不遇。
- My knitting was in a terrible snarl. 我织的东西都乱成一团了。
- The flood did a lot of damage to the crops. 洪水毁坏了大量农作物。