- The Hani people has created world-famous Hani terrace culture. 摘要哈尼族人民用自己的双手和智慧创造了举世闻名的哈尼梯田文化。
- Terrace culture distributes quite abroad and reaches the whole area around the Pacific, and has formed a terrace culture cycle around the Pacific with distinctive traits and obvious common. 摘要梯田文化的分布范围相当广泛,广及整个环太平洋地区,已经形成了一个特点鲜明、共性突出的环太平洋梯田文化圈。
- The Longji Zhuang ethnic terrace culture typically shows eight cultural traits mentioned above, and it is a typical representative of the Terrace Culture Cycle around the Pacific. 龙脊梯田文化典型地具备上述八大方面的特征,是环太平洋梯田文化圈的典型代表。
- the Terrace Culture Cycle around the Pacific 环太平洋梯田文化圈
- She wandered out onto the terrace. 她走到庭院的露台上。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- We sat on the terrace in the evening. 晚上我们坐在平台上。
- The terrace is a creation of Hani's agricultural culture. 梯田是哈尼族农业文明的创造。
- This open-air terrace is really spacious. 这露台很宽敞。
- Greece, the cradle of Western culture. 希腊,西方文化的发源地。
- Greek culture penetrated Persia through the medium of the Syrians. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。
- The terrace is paved with slabs of stone. 这个坛由石板铺成的。
- Do you wish to sit at a table on the terrace? 你想坐在阳台上的桌旁吗?
- Primitive in culture and customs; uncivilized. 野蛮的,未开化的文化和习惯原始的; 不文明的
- Can you give me a table on the terrace? 可以安排在露台上吗?
- The culture areas are essentially coincident with language areas. 文化区与语言区基本重合。
- Furious, he came out on the terrace. 他怒不可遏地走到平台上来。
- An endangered species; an endangered culture. 濒临绝种的生物种类; 濒临绝传的文化
- A teak table and chairs furnish the roof terrace. 一套柚木桌椅装点着屋顶平台。