- The point at which the sides of an angle intersect. 顶点角的两边相交的点
- terminate side of an angle 角的终边
- One side of an equation must balance the other. 方程式的一边必须和另一边相等。
- Returns a Double specifying the cosine of an angle. 返回双精度型,该值指定角度的余弦。
- The expression on either side of an equality sign. 等式的边端等式两边之表达式之一
- Value containing the tangent of an angle. 值,此值包含角度的正切。
- Measured by an angle or by degrees of an arc. 用角测量的,用弧度测量的
- The side of an object that is opposite its front. 事物中与前面相对的那个面。
- Calculates the cosine of an angle. 计算角度的余弦值。
- Having identical parts on each side of an axis. 轴的双边有互换零件的。
- Returns the sine of an angle in radians. 返回弧度角的正弦函数值。
- Being on the left side of an animal or a vehicle. 左侧的在动物或运输工具左侧的
- Being on the right side of an animal or a vehicle. 在(动物或车辆)右边的
- The reciprocal of the tangent of an angle in a right triangle. 余切直角三角形中角的正切的倒数
- Having,forming,or consisting of an angle or angles. 角的,有角的有角的,形成角的或由角组成的。
- An entry of a sum in the debit or left-hand side of an account. 借方帐目记载在借项中或帐簿左边的一笔款项。
- The right-hand side of an account on which such amounts are entered. 贷方金额记入这类数目的一本帐户的右方
- The reciprocal of the sine of an angle in a right triangle. 余割直角三角形中一个角正弦的倒数
- The Cos function takes an angle and returns the ratio of two sides of a right triangle. Cos函数接受一个角度,并返回直角三角形的两边之比。
- The area of the field to either side of an offensive formation. 无阻碍区球场上可以通向防守队任何一侧的区域