- The doctor says it's just a touch of liver. 医生说肝脏稍有些毛病。
- A section of liver explant is provided. 切片示切除的肝脏。
- This belonged to a huge type of liver cancer. 是属于巨块型肝癌
- teratoma of liver 肝畸胎瘤
- The growth of liver retransplantation was only 11%. 肝再次移植仅仅增长11%25。
- What should diet of liver ascites patient notice? 肝腹水患者日常饮食应该注意些什么?
- benign teratoma of liver 肝良性畸胎瘤
- Not all kinds of liver disease are infectious. 并非所有的肝病都传染。
- Resection operation on recurrence of liver cancer. 图为肝癌复发再次切除术。
- Struma ovarii is a rare form of mature teratoma of the ovary . 摘要甲状腺性卵巢畸胎瘤为罕见的成熟性卵巢畸胎瘤。
- Centaury eases cough, bronchitis, inflammation of liver and eye. 咳嗽、支气管炎、肝脏及眼睛发炎有抑制功效。
- Bile is produced as a byproduct of liver metabolism. 胆汁是肝脏代谢活动的副产品。
- Glucagon treatment of liver leads to increased autophagy. 用高血糖素处理肝脏,会导制自噬作用增加。
- Resection of whole caudate lobe of liver for tumor inside it. 全尾叶切除治疗肝尾状叶肿瘤。
- Immunoreaction may take part in the mechanisms of liver damage. 免疫损伤可能参与了庚型肝炎的肝脏损伤机制。
- Fertility preservation for a patient with advanced immature teratoma of the ovary was reported. 摘要这是一篇一位有关患有末期卵巢畸胎瘤的病患欲保留生育能力治疗的报导。
- Distressingly, the incidence of liver cancer went up. 令人痛苦的是,肝癌的发生率还在上升。
- Buy JN,Ghossain MA,Moss AA,et al.Cystic teratoma of the ovary:CT detection[J].Radiology,1989,171(3):697-701. 腹腔镜卵巢畸胎瘤剥出术43例分析由800论文网收集整理,转载请注明出处!
- What does the remedial method of liver hemangioma have? 肝血管瘤的治疗方法有哪些?
- Mature teratomas of the mediastinum are benign lesions. 纵膈腔之成熟畸胎瘤大多是良性病变。