- tensile interface strength 界面拉伸强度
- With the increase of interface strength,fatiguecrack growth rate of GLALL decreases,the width of delamination fail... 界面结合强度较低时,层板的疲劳裂缝扩展速率较高,脱层区尺寸较大,脱层破坏发生在Al层和树脂层之间。
- It is suggested that techniques of vibratory mixing or secondary material mixing are adopted to enhance interface strength. 提出用振动搅拌或二次投料搅拌工艺来增强混凝土的界面强度。
- Objective. Define the T1 and T2 anatomic lamina size and evaluate the bone-screw interface strength of various pedicle screw options and intralamina techniques. 目标:确认胸1、2椎板的解剖尺寸,评估椎弓根螺钉和椎板固定螺钉的骨螺钉界面的生物强度。
- The interfacial strength was measured using pyramidal diamond micro-debonding method. 用金刚锥显微脱粘法测得复合材料的界面强度。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- Through electroless plating carbon nanotubes were coated with a continuous layer of silver, which will increase interfacial strength between carbon nanotubes and metal-matrix. 通过化学镀可在碳纳米管表面镀上一层连续的银镀层,以增强碳纳米管与金属基体的界面结合力。
- The heat treatment improves the tensile strength. 热处理能提高抗拉强度。
- Used to measure tensile strength of bundle flax. 用于测定亚麻之打成束纤维的断裂强力。
- Concrete bending tensile strength test machine. 混凝土抗折机。
- Tensile strength middle value is Min. 抗张强度:中间值最小。
- The bonding between fluorosilicone rubber and PET fabric was studied.Tpeel tests showed that interfacial strength increased by 1100% after alkali treatment of the fabric.Three effect,i.e. 本文研究了聚酯织物和氟硅橡胶粘接过程中,碱处理对提高聚酯织物粘接性能的影响。
- Its tensile strength is above 2000MPa. 以回火状态使用,抗拉强度达2000MPa以上。
- Can you give me an explanation of the man-machine interface? 你能给我解释一下人机接口吗?
- The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries. 这场长期的消耗战耗尽了两国的力量。
- He gathered all his strength and swung the axe. 他用尽全力抡起斧头。
- I have hardly enough strength left to move my feet. 我连移动双脚的力气都几乎没有了。
- Is our relative strength growing? 我们的相对力量正在增长吗?
- The typhoon is gathering strength. 台风的风力正逐渐增强。