- tensile impact strength 拉伸冲豢度
- The CPE grated copolymer can increase the impact strength of the PVC/CPE blededs and the tensile strength remains high. 通过改变增容剂中单体用量、氮合量、增容剂用量等对共混物性能的影响作了探讨。
- The Izod impact strength, the bending strength and tensile strength were tested. 同时,测试了该材料的冲击强度、弯曲强度和拉伸强度。
- The tensile,bending,and impact strength of grafted modified wood-fiber/PVC composite were impr... 最后分析了木纤维接枝改性处理时引发剂用量对复合材料力学性能的影响。
- The microstructure, micro-hardness, tensile strength, impact strength and fatigue were investigated. 分析了组织的金相、硬度以及拉伸、冲击和疲劳性能。
- The existence of PA6 microfibrils improved the impact strength but the tensile strength of the composites decreased. 材料的拉伸强度下降,但冲击强度得到大幅度提高。
- The results showed that the grafted carbon black had better dispersion in PVC,the impact strength and tensile strength increased obviously. 对马来酸酐接枝炭黑进行了结构表征和应用,结果表明:接枝炭黑使PVC分散性更好,并可显著提高抗冲击强度和拉伸强度。
- The results showed that the impact strength of PVC was improved greatly through filling ACR,but its tensile strength was decreased slightly. 结果表明:ACR能较大幅度提高PVC的冲击强度,而其拉伸强度下降并不大。
- The experimental results showed that the tensile strength and impact strength were improved greatly when ramie fibre was mercerized using NaOH. 结果表明苎麻经碱液处理后,苎麻/聚碳酸亚丙酯复合材料的拉伸性能和冲击性能有了明显提高。
- Introducing toughener, copolymerization, or using proper catalyst may improve the impact strength, but reduced the tensile strength. 通过加入增韧剂、共聚或改变助催化剂结构可大幅度提高MC聚酰胺的冲击性能,但往往带来拉伸性能的下降;
- Besides these, the tensile strength and notch impact strength of the alloy of these copolyesters with PC was also concerned. 研究了该共聚酯与聚碳酸酯合金体系的相容性,测试了合金的冲击强度和拉伸强度。
- The tensile strength,bending strength,impact strength,tensile modulus of elasticity and bending modulus of elasticity were determined. 测试了塑木板材的拉伸强度、弯曲强度、冲击强度、拉伸弹性模量、弯曲弹性模量等力学性能;
- Properties determined by mechanical testing, such as yield strength, ductility, ultimate tensile strength, hardness, bendability, impact strength, etc. 由机械试验决定的特性,如屈服强度、延展度、极限抗张强度、硬度、弯曲性、冲击强度等。
- Polypropylene shows a high mechanical strength, tensile strength, but a low notched impact strength, PP resists stress cracking and it is easy to weld. 聚丙烯具有高刚性,高硬度和高强度,但缺口冲击韧性一般。
- The tensile, bending, and impact strength of three kinds of modified wood fibers was compared.The effect of silane and NaOH was also studied. 比较了硅烷偶联剂处理、碱浸泡与硅烷偶联剂双重处理、接枝改性三种木粉处理的优劣。
- The tensile strength,impact strength,flexural strength,thermal properties and morphology of the composites were investigated. 研究了复合材料的拉伸强度、冲击强度、弯曲强度、形态及热性能。
- High impact strength with good processability, high stiffness. 高冲击强度,良好的加工稳定性,阻隔性强。
- Excellent Impact strength, Excellent resostamce to low temp. 冲击性优抗低温度。
- This paper deals with an investigation of low velocity tensile impact behavior of glass fiber,Twaron fiber, UHMMPE fiber and PBO fiber bundle rspectively and their hybrid fiber bundles. 采用自行研制的摆锤式冲击拉伸试验机对玻璃纤维、芳纶纤维、超高分子量聚乙烯纤维和PBO纤维丝束及其混杂丝束进行了冲击拉伸试验。
- Feeding a small amount of ROF to R-PVC matrix leads to improve the impact strength and maintains tensile strength and modulus or increases them slightiy. 发现在具有一定韧性的PVC基体中添加小份量有机粒子;能明显提高基体的冲击韧性;并保持基体拉伸强度不受损害或同时得到改善.