- tenosynovitis hypertrophica [医] 肥厚性腱鞘炎
- The cure of ammoniac candy and tenosynovitis? 氨糖与腱鞘炎的治疗?
- What does tenosynovitis have to treat a method? 腱鞘炎有什么治疗方法?
- Whether is artifice joint tenosynovitis smartly? 手腕关节刺痛是否是腱鞘炎?
- How did the hand of my wife get tenosynovitis to had been treated? 我老婆的手得了腱鞘炎怎么治疗好呢?
- Tuberculous tenosynovitis is an uncommon extrapulmonary tuberculosis. 摘要结核性腱鞘炎是罕见的肺外结核病。
- Herein, we present the case of a 79-year-old male with pulmonary tuberculosis and concomitant tuberculous tenosynovitis. 在此我们报告一例79岁男性病患同时罹患肺结核合并腕结核性腱鞘炎,结核性腱鞘炎经三个月延迟后才被确认。
- Background: Corticosteroid injections are commonly used in the treatment of flexor tenosynovitis in adults. 背景:皮质类固醇注射是治疗成年患者屈肌腱鞘炎的常用方法。
- Whether does the tenosynovitis of artifice ministry have other treatment plan besides surgical operation? 手腕部的腱鞘炎除了外科手术外是否有别的治疗方案?
- The girlfriend has stomach trouble, tenosynovitis, how to notice the body at ordinary times? 女朋友有胃病,腱鞘炎,平时怎么注意身体?
- Repetitive friction at that site predisposes to chronic or stenosing tenosynovitis, tendinosis, and partial tear. 该部位的反复摩擦易引起慢性或狭窄性的腱鞘炎,肌腱炎和部分撕裂。
- Acute tenosynovitis is related to overuse and is usually encountered in young, athletic individuals. 急性腱鞘炎常发生在年轻人,常运动的人身上,往往是和过度使用有关。
- Herein, we present the case of a79- year-old male with pulmonary tuberculosis and concomitant tuberculous tenosynovitis. 在此我们报告一例79岁男性病患同时罹患肺结核合并腕结核性腱鞘炎,结核性腱鞘炎经三个月延迟后才被确认。
- The shoulder pain and dysfunction were prevalent of rotator cuff disease.Bicipital tenosynovitis was also common of rotator cuff disease. 摘要肩部的疼痛和功能障碍普遍存在肩袖疾患,二头肌腱鞘炎也是肩袖疾患中常见的疾病。
- Try this article on the bicipital tenosynovitis case, to explore the effect of acupuncture combined with tuina manipulation therapy. 本文试著就二头肌腱鞘炎案例,探讨针灸和推拿手法结合治疗的疗效程度。
- In tennis often appear some pain, such as: muscle strain, cramps, blisters, sprain, tenosynovitis, tennis elbow, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. 在网球运动中常常会出现一些伤痛,诸如:肌肉拉伤、抽筋、起水泡、扭伤、腱鞘炎、网球肘、风湿性关节炎等等。
- Chronic and extensive inflammation of the peritenon leads to stenosing tenosynovitis, producing a functional hallux rigidus. 肌腱周的慢性和广泛的感染会引起狭窄性腱鞘炎,引起功能性的拇强直。
- Tuberculosis should be included in the differential diagnoses of chronic tenosynovitis of unknown cause whenever active pulmonary tuberculosis exists. 慢性腱鞘炎不论是否同时罹患活动性肺结核,鉴别诊断均应包括结核病。
- With the organization other tendon phlogistic (also weigh tenosynovitis) see more at the athlete, often can force a patient to stop to take exercise. 跟腱旁组织炎(亦称腱鞘炎)多见于运动员,常可迫使患者停止锻炼。
- We treat 40 athlets for their tenosynovitis thrangh massage and observe them so we consider that rub,rap press are effective. 通过对40例腱鞘囊肿的运动员进行推拿手法治疗,对比观察与研究,认为:运用推揉、按压和叩击3种手法治疗腱鞘囊肿最有效实用。