- A cubical spline interpolation function is put forward to show the tendon profile of prestressed bars because the tendon profile can't be accurately expressed by the quadric parabola. 摘要针对二次抛物线不能准确反映预应力筋实际线型特点的事实,提出了采用三次样条插值函数作为预应力筋的布筋线型函数,并在理论上确定了预应力筋反弯点的空间几何位置。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- In profile she is very like her mother. 由侧面看她很像她母亲。
- She sat observing his face in profile. 她坐着从侧面观察他的脸。
- I turned my head and saw the profile of a man. 我转过头,看见了一个人的侧影。
- tendon profile 预应力钢筋腱外形
- My boss asked me to write a profile for the new tennis champion. 我上司让我给这位新网球冠军写篇小传。
- The BBC are working on a profile of the British nuclear industry. 英国广播公司正在报道英国核工业概况。
- A tendon consists of parallel fibres. 腱由平行的纤维组成。
- Keep a low profile until the trouble over your activities is past. 不到影响你活动的麻烦事过去,你不要抛头露面。
- The Queen's head appears in profile on British stamps. 英国邮票上有女王的侧面头像。
- Japan today simply stands too tall and too rich to maintain a low profile. 日本现在太醒目,太富裕了,很难再不引人注意了。
- A tendon consists of parallel fibers. 腱由平行的纤维组成。
- How is tendon sheath cyst treated after all? 腱鞘囊肿究竟怎么样治疗?
- The athlete pulled a tendon in the competition. 这名运动员在比赛时拉伤了跟腱。
- The remedial method of tendon sheath cyst? 腱鞘囊肿的治疗方法?
- The VMO originates on the adductor magnus tendon. 由于股四头肌和大收肌的起源相同,居于这种解剖学上的原理,因此,大收肌肉的强壮训练来帮助伸膝的动作。
- It also looks symmetrical in profile. 在横剖面上它看起来也是对称的。
- Long flexor tendon lengthens art. 长屈肌腱延长术。
- Kakha Kaladze has the same problem with his tendon. 卡哈-卡拉泽的跟腱也遇到了同样的问题。