- plantar tendinous sheath of long peroneal muscle 腓骨长肌足底腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of extensor digiti minimi 小指伸肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of extensor hallucis longus 拇长伸肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of extensor pollicis longus 拇长伸肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of flexor carpi radialis 桡侧腕屈肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of flexor hallucis longus 拇长屈肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of superior obliquus 上斜肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of tibialis anterior 胫骨前肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of extensor muscle of wrist 尺侧腕伸肌腱鞘
- Tendinous sheath of extensor digitorum and extensor 指伸肌和示指伸肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of long flexor muscle of thumb 拇长屈肌腱鞘
- Tendon diseases are generally caused by tendinitis stenosans, ganglion cyst, tendinous sheath tumors etc. and some are caused by tuberculous tenosynovitis. 肌腱疾病多由狭窄性腱鞘炎、腱鞘囊肿、腱鞘瘤等引起,有的也可由腱鞘结核引起。然而,在少数情况下,也可由真菌感染引起。
- plantar tendinous Sheath of peroneus longus 腓骨长肌足底腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of extensor carpi ulnaris 尺侧腕伸肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of extensor digitormn longus 趾长伸肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of extensor digitorum longus 趾长伸肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of extensores carpi radiales 桡侧腕伸肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of flexor digitorum longus 趾长屈肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of flexor pollicis longus 拇长屈肌腱鞘
- tendinous sheath of long peroneal muscle, plantar 腓骨长肌足底腱鞘