- tender a letter of resignation. 正式提交辞职信。
- I just got a letter of resignation from the treasurer. 我刚刚收到了会计的辞呈。
- He submitted a letter of resignation free of recrimination or argument. 他呈上一份辞职书,内中毫无责怪或争辩之词。
- A clerk read Foley's resignation on the House floor and Foley submitted a letter of resignation to Florida Governor Jeb Bush. 一名职员在众议院大楼宣读了Foley的辞职报告。
- And he wrote out another letter, and that was a letter of resignation from the United States Army for the failure of the landings at Normandy. 其中一封信是庆祝部队和盟军中的杰出成员成功地完成了历史上最伟大的一次进攻,到现在,直到永远。
- I'm writing a letter of thanks to them. 我在给他们写一封谢函。
- A good face is a letter of recommendation. [谚]漂亮的面孔就是最好的介绍信。
- He is fishing for information by a letter of inquiry. 他写信询问,希望打听一下消息。
- I hope a letter of admission will be issued to me in due course. 希望能将入学证书及时寄我,并盼早日复信。
- He drafted (out) his letter of resignation. 他起草了辞职信。
- He wrote his letter of resignation to the chairman. 他向董事长写了辞职信。
- Within two days I received a letter of acceptance from the manager. 不到两天,我就收到了经理写来的录取信。
- He drafted out his letter of resignation. 他起草了一份辞职报告。
- I have handed in my letter of resignation. 我已递交了辞呈。
- Send a letter of application in your own handwriting. 寄一封手写的申请信或求职信。
- tender a letter of resignation.See Synonyms at offer 正式提交辞职信参见
- He stormed into the office, flourishing a letter of complaint. 他挥舞著一封投诉信冲进了办公室。
- I waited on him with a letter of recommendation. 我持一封介绍信去拜访他。
- You must pen a letter of thanks to your uncle. 你必须给叔叔写一封感谢信。
- We are in receipt of a letter of complaint. 我们已收到一封抗议信。