- Many researchers into the UFO enigma tend to overlook a very important fact. 很多UFO研究员倾向于俯瞰一个非常重要的事实。
- Dispute on the legitimacy and fairness of debtfor-equities tend to overlook the impact on tax issue. 关于以股抵债的合法性与公平性争论忽略了该交易在税法上的效果。
- Classical business ethics textbooks tend to overlook simple dilemmas of conscience. 传统的经济伦理教科书倾向于忽视单纯的良心困境。
- A warmer climate is better than a colder climate. Something people tend to overlook. 暖和的气候比寒冷的气候更好。这是人们常忽略掉的一点。
- However, when we are lukewarm in our relationship with God, we tend to overlook our sin and see the sin of others. 然而,当我们和神的关系不冷不热的时候,我们趋向于忽视自己的罪,看到别人的罪。
- However, people tend to overlook the relationship between Comrade Mao Zedong and Xiangnan intifada. 然而,人们往往忽略毛泽东与湘南起义的关系。
- We earthings are fascinated by Mars, and might tend to overlook Aldebaran in tomorrow's morning scene. 对于地球上的人来说,火星是令人着迷的,但对毕宿五,我们很容易将它忽略。
- Very often, employees tend to overlook quality in their haste to get work done and this forces others to rework what has already been done. 往往雇员最容易忽视质量工作取得了急用这强迫他人返工什么已经做了。
- We can afford to overlook minor offences. 我们可以不计较小过。
- The locals tend to be suspicious of strangers. 当地人对陌生人往往有戒心。
- I tend to prefer have a holiday at seaside. 我往往更喜欢在海滨度假。
- It has stressed the harsh Chinese crackdown on peaceful protests and tended to overlook the violence by Tibetans. 它们一直强调的是中国人对和平抗议的残酷镇压,却有意忽略藏民的暴力。
- My family tend to be quite long-lived. 我家族的人大都相当长寿。
- Imperialist powers always tend to gobble up their weaker neighbors. 帝国主义强国总是要想兼并弱小的邻国。
- Another reaction I saw in my colleagues was that because the document was so big the tended to overlook some of the content. 我在我同事中间发现的另一个反应是,因为这文档篇幅很长,他们跳过了其中的一些内容。
- Like causes tend to produce like results. 类似的原因往往产生类似的结果。
- We are too apt to overlook our own faults. 我们很容易忽视自己的过错。
- I tend to be a bit leery of cut-price bargains'. 我对减价商品有点戒心。
- I am willing to overlook your mistakes. 我愿意忽略你的错误
- Weeds tend to displace other plants. 杂草越来越多,有取代其他植物之势。