- temporary base level 暂时基准面,暂时基准线
- Approaching the base level of erosion. 接近侵蚀基准面的
- What functions does the atrium serve at base level? 中庭最基本的作用是什么?
- Customs clearance on a temporary basis. 广州海关、检验检疫申报,查验放行。
- Straight, set on high, the base level with the topline. 尾巴直立,尾根位置高,尾根与背线齐平。
- To assign(personnel) to a military unit on a temporary basis. 把(部队、人员)调配把(人员)临时性安排在军事单位中
- Salla and Shug returned with the New Republic to their temporary base on the fifth moon of Da Soocha. 萨拉和宁克斯与新共和国的英雄们一起回到了位于达苏查(DaSoocha)第五卫星的临时基地。
- The Sky Boxer is an excellent companion to mobile armor and is often used as a temporary base defense when a Commander has not been able to build the heavier Flak Cannon. 空中拳击手是完美的装甲部队随从;并且经常在指挥官还没能建造更重型的对空炮时充当临时的基础防御部队.
- French U.N. Peacekeeper unit take a rest at a temporary base at the Rest Beach in the southern port city of Tyre, Tuesday, Aug. 在黎巴嫩南部港口提尔联合国临时基地,联合国维和部队法国士兵。
- Dygalo said ,Russian navy commander-in-chief Vysotsky has ordered to stop sub-marine sea trials and return to a temporary base in Russia's far east Primorye territory . 德加洛说,俄海军总司令维索茨基已命令潜艇停止试航,返回位于俄远东滨海边疆区的临时驻地。目前,潜艇已启程返航。
- For the first Sunday, a base level 0 backup is taken, all data blocks are copied. 对于第一个星期天,采用基本级别0备份来复制所有数据块。
- It certainly means debt moratoria and probably currency controls on a temporary basis. 这意味着有必要延迟偿还债款的期限,或许也有暂时实行货币管制措施的必要。
- The form and distribution of every type of turbidites are closely related to the heave variation of base level. 湖底扇和坡移浊积扇圈闭形成于基准面上升期,是该区主要的储油圈闭;
- When dealing with any boss, difficult or not, have a good base level of performance to fallback on. 无论你的上司是好是坏,凡事都要留有一定馀地。
- On entry to farrowing houses (15 weeks +) reduce to previous base level but using lactator ration. 在进入产房时(15周后)把喂养量减少到先前的基础,但要用乳汁配给食物喂养。
- After the defeat of the Empire at the Battle of Endor, the New Republic re-established a temporary base in the Great Temple for their Senate Planetary Intelligence Network, or SPIN. 在安铎之役大败帝国之后,新共和在此处重建了一个众议院星际讯息网络的暂时基地,简称SPIN。
- It does not sell a product that you can own but provides services on a temporary basis. 它并不是出售你可以拥有的产品,而是提供临时的服务。
- And they can count on a base level of demand, as long as fear of overpaying is trumped by fear of missing out. 而且它们能够依赖基础水平的需求,只要错过机遇的担忧继续压倒价格过高的担忧。
- This food is sometimes prescribed by vets on a temporary basis for weight gain in CRF cats. It is not for long term use. 这种食物有时会由兽医处方,短时间让体重增加使用,非长期使用。
- S. or England, as far as applicants being able to come to Canada on a temporary basis,” said Kostin. 就临时工签申请来说,中国大陆的工签申请条件与美国或英国的条件完全不同。”