- temporal conceptual metaphors 时间概念隐喻
- Conceptual metaphor is a set of mapping. 摘要概念隐喻是一种映射模式。
- It also shows that some conceptual metaphors are unique to Chinese as they are rich and colorful in culture. 同时也有一些概念隐喻是汉语所独有的,它们蕴含着浓厚的文化特色。
- It is found that they can be categorized into several conceptual metaphors and metonymical principles. 本文对李清照词中的隐喻和转喻进行研究,发现可以将它们归纳为几个隐喻概念和转喻原则。
- Cognitive linguistics hold that metaphor is not only a figurative speech, but also a conceptual metaphor. 摘要认知语言学认为,隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞手段,而且还是一种概念隐喻。
- By analyzing both Chinese and English news texts, it is found that in news texts there exists a large number of conceptual metaphors. 通过分析汉语和英语的体育新闻语篇,发现新闻语言中使用了大量的隐喻,首先,从宏观上看,概念隐喻普遍存在于竞技性的运动项目的赛事报道之中;
- Conceptual metaphor is based on everyday metaphors with generality, systematicality and productivity as its main characteristics. 摘要概念隐喻是一般隐喻的概括和总结,它反映人类的认知和思维。
- A contemporary theory, Lakoff Conceptual Metaphor theory, viewsmetaphor not merely as a matter of language but of thinking and cognition. 莱考夫的概念隐喻理论认为隐喻不仅是一个语言现象,而且是一个思维和认知现象。
- In 1980, Lakoff and Johnson clearly posed "conceptual metaphor" in their famous book Metaphors We Live By. It promotes metaphor research from "vorstellung" to "concept". 一九八零年,美国生成语义学家莱柯夫和英国哲学家约翰逊在他们的专著《我们赖以生存的隐喻》(Metaphors We Live By),明确提出了“概念隐喻”,将隐喻研究从“表象”提升到“概念”层次。
- TIME IS MONEY, TIME IS A MOVING OBJECT and TIME IS STATIONARY AND WE GO THROUGH IT are three conceptual metaphors existing in both Chinese and Anglo-Saxon-American cultures. 时间概念隐喻及表达因文化的不同而不同。
- Based on the conceptual metaphor theory, metaphor is a very important channel for people to understand abstract concepts and think abstractly. 根据莱考夫的概念隐喻理论,隐喻是人们理解抽象概念进行抽象思维的重要途经。
- It is Lakoff and Johnson with their influential Conceptual Metaphor theory that reinforce the trend of cognitive study on metaphor. Lakoff和Johnson的“概念隐喻理论”从认知的角度拓宽了隐喻的研究范围。
- The most influential and powerful theories are Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) by Lakoff & Johnson and Blending Theory (BT) by Fauconnier & Turner. Lakoff和Johnson的概念隐喻理论以及Fauconnier和Turner的整合理论是从认知角度研究隐喻这一概念现象的最有影响和阐释力的理论。
- The translators can improve the cognitive competence of metaphors from three aspects: cultural acquisition, the acquisition of conceptual metaphors and contextual analysis. 译者可以从文化习得、概念隐喻的习得和语境分析三个方面来提高其隐喻的认知能力。
- Conceptual metaphor is classified into three types: structural metaphor, orientational metaphor, and ontological metaphor. 概念隐喻主要分为三类:结构隐喻,方向隐喻,以及实体隐喻。
- This paper probes into the use and influence of conceptual metaphors in the English and Chinese net news report from the cognitive perspective, aiming to classify these metaphors. 本文从认知的视角出发,以网络英汉新闻为研究对象,阐释并分析了概念隐喻在不同的新闻题材中的应用与影响。
- In this paper, a corpus-based approach is adopted in comparing the conceptual metaphors in Chinese financial reporting (CFR) with those in English financial reporting (EFR). 本文是基于语料库对英语和汉语财经报道中的概念隐喻进行对比研究的。
- This paper is mainly intended to illustrate how cognitive linguistics applies to EFL teaching by examining such concepts as basic category, conceptual metaphor, experiential correlation, etc. 摘要认知语言学主要从语言的角度研究人脑中的概念或根据语言分析推测思维中概念的内容。
- This paper deals with the first stage of a study that is to explore the merits of explicating conceptual metaphors (CMs) and image schemas (ICs) that are believed to underlie most idioms to Learner's (Boer &Demecheleer, op.cit.; Li, 2002). 本文中,作者将先说明教师对外语学习学习者讲述成语中所包含的概念性隐喻与抽象概念之优点。
- The word is a temporal conjunction. 该词是表示时间的连词。