- Gegenmiao is hall, all the temples in Tibet imitation modeling, and strong momentum Majestic. 葛根庙正殿堂,全仿西藏庙宇的造型,气势雄伟壮观。
- Good highways now link all the major cities and towns in Xizang. 西藏的主要城镇都由良好的公路连接了起来。
- After much time with utmost dangers Jesus with a guide reached this temple in Tibet . And Ming-Ste and all teaching widely opened the gates and welcomed the Jewish sage. 有关耶稣在即藏地带研究佛法的资科,相信不只这一些,可能还有不少文献湮没于印藏地带,尚待有心人去发掘。说不定敦煌亦可能有此类资料。至于拙文,自问已是竭尽微力,无法再寻更多参考了。
- There exist many ancient temples in the country. 那个国家有很多古老的寺庙。
- The status of tourism in Tibet's economy is rising. 旅游业在西藏国民经济中的地位日趋提高。
- Why are there so many temples in Taiwan? 为什么台湾有这么多寺庙呢?
- The scenery in Tibet is magnificent. 西藏的风光无比优美。
- There are many Hindu temples in this area. 这个地区有很多印度庙宇。
- I wish to go traveling in Tibet this summer. 我希望今夏去西藏旅游。
- Is it true that you axe going to work in TiBet? 你要到西藏去工作,这是真的吗?
- Education in Tibet has made great strides. 西藏的教育事业发展迅速。
- Marnyi stone is a unique halidom in Tibet. 玛尼石,藏地特有的圣物。
- BaSu means the warrior village in Tibet! “八宿”藏语意为“勇士山脚下的村庄!”
- Later, I chose to work in Tibet. 后来,我选择了在西藏工作。
- There is a Buddhist temple in this town. 在这个镇上有一座佛教寺庙。
- Dalai Lama says oppression continues in Tibet. 达赖喇嘛说压迫在西藏继续.
- We seem to have seen Confucian temples in other places. 孔庙咱们好像也在别的地方看过吧。
- The current situation in Tibet saddens me. 我的孩子们现在仍然会谈到他。
- It is one of the most famous Buddhist temples in China. 它是我国佛教禅宗十大刹之一。
- Today, goitre in Tibet has been defeated. 今天,西藏地区的甲状腺肿病已经被彻底制服。