- The temperature reached a new high this summer. 今夏气温达到新的最高纪录。
- The temperature reaching 100C , the water boils . 温度达到摄氏100度,水就沸腾。
- On a very hot day, he temperature reaches 35 C. 在很热的日子里,气温可达到摄氏35度。
- The temperature reached a new high. 气温达到了新的高度。
- The ink can be mixed with quantitive diluent and then stirred thoroughly before using only when its temperature reach room temperature. 当油墨温度恢复至室温后才能开油:与规定量的稀释剂混合,充分搅拌充分静置后才能使用。
- An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a predetermined level. 温度一达到预设的度数,警报就会响起来。
- The temperature reached a record low in London last night. 昨晚伦敦的气温降到了有记录以来的最低点。
- The temperature reached a heating lamp Mandrax Mandrax-out. 一达到各温度加热灯忽亮忽灭。
- Summer temperatures reached an all-time high. 夏天气温达到有史以来最高峰
- If your body temperature reaches forty degrees, you may hallucinate. 如果体温高达四十度,你可能会产生幻觉。
- You can remove the glass or plastic container if temperatures reach at least 75 degrees, but be sure to re-cover the plant at night when the temperature drops back down. 你可以消除玻璃或塑料容器,如果气温达到摄氏75度,但一定要重新复盖植物夜间气温骤然下降时。
- Witnesses recount seeing trees explodes and the sky raining ash as temperatures reach 47 degrees Celsius. 目击者详述见到树木爆炸,天空下着灰烬雨,温度达到摄氏47度。
- They began playing golf in their fifties. With the sunshine, the temperature reached the fifties. 他们在五十几岁时开始打高尔夫球的。在阳光照射下温度达到了五十几度
- When the temperature reaches melting point,the metal runs off as a liquid and flows into special moulds. 当温度达到熔点时,金属成为熔液流出。再进入特别的铸模。
- As a result,the monthly mean temperature reached 20.1 degrees,the seventh-highest for March. 由于日照量偏高的关系,该月录得平均气温高达20.;1度,是三月份的第七最高纪录。
- They began playing golf in their fifties. With the sunshine,the temperature reached the fifties. 他们在五十几岁时开始打高尔夫球的。在阳光照射下温度达到了五十几度。
- As a result, the monthly mean temperature reached 20.1 degrees, the seventh-highest for March. 由于日照量偏高的关系,该月录得平均气温高达20.;1度,是三月份的第七最高纪录。
- When the temperature reaches melting point, the metal runs off as a liquid and flows into special modules. 当温度达到熔点时, 金属就变成液体流出, 并注入特殊的铸模中。
- When the temperature reaches melting point, the metal runs off as a liquid and flows into special moulds. 当温度达到熔点时,金属成为熔液流出。再进入特别的铸模。
- A lofty place or region. Summer temperatures reached an all-time high. 夏天气温达到有史以来最高峰。