- temperate mixed forest region 温带混交林带
- The argo-purlieu ecotone in temperate zone changes frommountainous to plain region, from temperate mixed coniferous and broad-leaf forest totemperate forest Steppe, from dark brown forest soil to black soil, from forest landscape toagriculture landscape. 温带农林交错带是山地向平原、温带针阔混交林向温带森林草原、暗棕壤向黑土、以森林景观为主向以农业景观为主的过渡带。
- temperate mixed forest 温带针阔混交林
- They ran a railroad into the forest region. 他们修筑铁路使之通入林区。
- Mixed forest Type of temperate forest, consisting of trees of different species. 温带林的一种类型,包括各种不同种类的树木。
- Forest structure dynamics of coniferous-broad leaved mixed forests by management of control method in over-logged forest region 过伐林区检查法经营针阔混交林林分结构动态
- Venture into new paths or walk into overgrown area or mixed forest. 自行闯路,走草丛和杂树林。
- In the Lashihai region it only can be seen in Quercus aquifolioides Forest on east faced slope and in sub-stratum of Mixed Forest in Wenhai. 流域内出现于东向坡面川滇高山栎林下(较少见)、和文海北面针阔叶混交林下亚层(较多)。
- Simulating effects of short-term and long-term are acceptable for spruce and fir dominated mixed uneven-aged stands in Changbaishan forest region. 具体应用到长白山林区云冷杉为主的混交异龄林的径阶动态模拟;短期和长期模拟效果都较好.
- Bryophytes in alpine forest regions of Sichuan. 四川高山林区的苔藓植物.
- A simple systemic thinning technology adequate for the mixed forest of planted Pinus koraiensis and broadleaf trees in Liaodong region were carried, conducting the forestry management and production. 通过本项研究,制定出的一套适合该地区红松阔叶混交林较为直观、简便的抚育间伐技术,以指导林业生产。
- Garrigue Scrub woodland a secondary formation derived from the original mixed forest, characteristic of limestone areas of the Mediterranean region, with low rainfall and thin, dry soils. 咖里哥宇群落:是(地中海区常绿矮灌木)多矮小植物,起源于原始混合森林的次级群落,该群落具有的低降雨量及稀薄干燥的土壤,是地中海石灰岩地区的特征。
- Any of numerous wormlike carnivorous animals of the phylum Onychophora, common in tropical and temperate forest regions and having characteristics of both arthropods and annelid worms. 有爪纲节肢动物的一个纲,常见于热带或温带森林中,既有环节动物又有节肢动物的某些特点
- We only found the Lijiang Spruce and Birch Mixed Forest on the north faced slope behind of the Yangyuchang. 除了洋芋场村寨后北向坡面有丽江云杉林与桦木混生的针阔叶混交林,此次调查路线上其它地方未见。
- Any of numerous wormlike carnivorous animals of the phylum Onychophora,common in tropical and temperate forest regions and having characteristics of both arthropods and annelid worms. 有爪纲节肢动物的一个纲,常见于热带或温带森林中,既有环节动物又有节肢动物的某些特点。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。
- The Daxinanling forest region, is a beautiful big garden, also is a inexhaustible treasure house. 大兴安岭林区,是一座美丽的大花园,也是一座取之不尽的宝库。
- Dynamics of energy for fine roots in mixed forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodendron odorum. 杉木、观光木混交林群落细根能量动态变化。
- Design on the adjustment and the rebuilding of industry macropolicy in stateowned forest region... 调整和重构国有林区产业政策的宏观思路设计;
- Today, the forest has been fairly well reestablished, tending to a mixed forest of evergreen broad-leaf and deciduous broad-leaf trees in succession. 该群落的物种多样性在同地区的次生林类型中处于较高水平,表明群落以前受到过中度干扰,目前的恢复状况较好,群落的演替趋势是常绿阔叶落叶阔叶混交林。