- tempectature stochastic models 气温随机模型
- Stochastic Models of Lambda Phage. 噬菌体的随机模型。
- A stochastic model for two phase flow of miscible flooding is built by means of systematical analysis method. 应用系综分析方法建立了两相混相驱替的随机模型,分析了突破时间与孔隙度和渗透率分布之间的关系。
- In this paper,a survey of a variety of partial orderings is given,which is applied in reliability mathematics,queues and other stochastic models. 本文讨论了可靠性数学、排队论等随机模型中常见的各种偏序,给出了它们的各种等价定义和常用性质。
- Risk theory, as a part of insurance or actuarial mathematics, deals with stochastic models of an insurance business and the ruin probability. 风险理论,作为保险或精算数学的一个重要部分,研究对象是保险业务的随机模型和破产概率。
- An introduction was given to the application of stochastic analysis method in water conservancy projects, including the methods to develop and solve the stochastic model. 摘要介绍了随机分析方法在水利工程中的应用,包括工程上建立随机模型的方法和对模型的求解研究。
- The new system reliability indices and the optimal inspection policy are obtained by using probability analysis and the density evolution method in stochastic models. 利用概率分析和随机模型的密度演化方法,导出了系统的一些新的可靠性指标和最优检测策略。
- Considering a financial market with risky stocks and riskless bond, we describe the stochastic model of stock prices with stochastic volatility. 在考虑一个带有股票和债券的金融市场后,本文提出了一个具随机波动率的股票价格的随机微分方程模型.
- Based on the stochastic model of AIMD algorithm, this paper derived the TCP throughput formula when active queue management is used. 摘要基于AIMD算法的随机模型推导了当网络采用主动队列管理时的TCP吞吐率公式。
- Risk theory, as a part of insurance or actuarial mathematics, deals with stochastic models of an insurance business and studies the probability of ruin. 风险理论是经营者或决策者对风险进行定量分析和预测的一般理论,但经典风险模型及其拓广模型为描述单一险种的风险。
- Firstly, an average performance index containing tracking error and plant input energy over a class of stochastic model errors is defined. 首先基于一类随机模型误差的描述,定义了一个平均意义上的包含跟踪误差和控制能量在内的性能指标;
- Volatility Models: Constant Volatility Models, General Deterministic Volatility model, Hull & White Stochastic model of the Variance, Hoston Stochastic Volatility model. 波动模型:不断波动模型,一般确定性的波动模型,船体&白随机模型的差异, hoston随机波动模型。
- Under the stochastic model of exponential Ornstein-Uhlenback process, the pricing formulas of lookback options with fixed strike prices are obtained by the martingale approaches. 利用期权定价的鞅方法,得到了指数O-U过程随机模型下固定履约价回顾型期权的定价公式。
- Stochastic Modeling of the Effects of Large-Scale Circulation on Daily Weather in the Southeastern U.S. 对影响美国东南部的大尺度环流每日天气的随机模拟。
- Surprisingly, the evaluation shows that on the individual customer level, the predictions made by the sophisticated stochastic models do not outperform the simple managerial heuristics. 令人惊讶的是,评价结果显示,在个体顾客层面上,使用复杂的统计模型所作的预测并不比简单的管理启示法更好。
- The Monte Carlo stochastic modeling method is an important method in the risk analysis of mining investment. 蒙特卡洛随机模拟法是矿业工程投资经济评价风险分析中的一种重要方法。
- Taylor &Karlin. An Introduction to Stochastic Modeling[M]. third edition, San Diego: Academic Press, 1998: 44. 库存控制原理与物料管理(第二版)[M].;白礼常、董其蔚;等译校
- Using supplemen-tary variable technique in stochastic models, a multi-dimensional Markov process including the queueing process in the queue mentioned here as a component is constructed. 该系统的瞬时队长过程一般不是一个马尔可夫过程,难于直接求取它的分布。
- A new comprehensive method for predicting reservoir microfacies by integrating multiple stochastic modeling methods was presented. 提出了将多种随机建模方法综合预测储层微相的新方法。
- Lagrangian stochastic model and a three-dimensional wind field diagnostic model are used to reveal the characteristics of meso-scale atmospheric flow and diffusion over Huian area, Fujian province. 采用拉格朗日随机粒子扩散模式和三维风场诊断模式以及实际气象观测资料,模拟分析了福建惠安核电厂所在沿海地区的大气流动和气载污染物的中尺度扩散情况。